Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What's Up February

       Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.

So let's get started...

What am I eating?

I had something else planned for my answer to this first question. But then, this deliciousness got dropped off this morning. Look what a friend brought me! Yay for homemade king cake!

What am I reminiscing about?

This picture popped up in my Facebook "memory feed" the other day. I so clearly remember this day. My dad was in a long-term medical rehabilitation facility after an injury that left him unable to walk. He was so weak and frail at that point. But he perked up so much when my brother and sister-in-law brought their girls up to visit him. And I caught this sweet moment when my oldest niece was chatting away with her Pawpaw, telling him about who knows what. 

 What am I loving?

I love working with older students. It's funny... When I first started teaching, I was teaching elementary schoolers. I would often say, I could never ever teach middle schoolers or high schoolers. Nope. Not me. Ha! Boy does God have a sense of humor! While I do sometimes miss working with the little guys, I must admit... I love working with the "big kids." I love their spunky personalities, their real deep/serious conversations, etc. They're awesome!

What have I been up to?

Working - This week has included all the usual busy-ness that is normal in my position plus lots of extra meetings too. It's nice not being bored. However, I must say... I'm really really looking forward to the weekend :)

What am I working on?

Getting my tooth fixed... I can't say this experience was the most enjoyable. My fear of dentists is real, y'all. But thankfully, the dentist here that I saw is good. And thanks to someone amazingly generous, it didn't break my wallet to have to pay the bill when he was done. I appreciated God's provision in this situation so very much. Such a blessing!

 What am I excited about?

One of my science classes is starting a fun project today, as a way to wrap up our unit on the human body. They'll get to combine all they've learned in this unit with a bit of art too. So they're excited. And if they're excited about showcasing what they've learned, then I am too :)

What am I watching?

I'm taking a bit of a break from TV at the moment.

What am I reading?

I'm reading through The Call of the Wild with one of my classes. And when all 3 of my (typically very squirrelly) boys sit perfectly still listening to the reading of each chapter, I know we picked a good novel. I loved it!

What am I listening to?

Nothing new - Anyone have a suggestion of something new for me? I have a pretty eclectic taste in music. As long as the person singing isn't screaming at me or saying bad stuff I don't want to hear, I'm good :)

What am I wearing?

I've been wearing a sweater or jacket almost every single day. It's quite chilly here in Dakar. Honestly, this is my favorite time of year living here. It's like the perfect temps. Not too hot, not too cold... It's perfect! 

 What am I doing this weekend?

I rarely have a free weekend. So I'm definitely looking forward to this weekend. At this point, I am planning to do a bit of shopping for the class I sponsor, a bit of reading, a bit of resting, and as usual church and lesson planning. Yay for a mostly free weekend! :)

What am I looking forward to next month?

Spring Break and all the rest (and fun) that will come with it.

Favorite recent Amazon find?

I snagged my favorite black sweater on something a while back and while I can still wear it, I clearly needed to replace it. I tried while in South Africa for our AG conference, but had no luck. But I finally found one on Amazon the other day. And a friend currently in the States has graciously offered to bring it back for me.

What's new this month?

I visited a dentist in Senegal for the first time since arriving here in 2009. I've always just used my dentist in the US while back for visits in the summers. But alas, having a very obvious (and painful) issue that was right in the front of my mouth left me no choice. And it was a reminder that while I may be a few thousand miles and an ocean away from home, thankfully, we do have access to good dental care. That's such a gift and it is one that I definitely do not take for granted.

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?


  1. Praise God for good dental care. That is a HUGE blessing. And yes, I thought I would love working in an elementary school but I've found my home in a middle school and I LOVE it so much more than I ever anticipated.

  2. I'm so glad you were able to get your tooth looked after, and that someone blessed you by helping with the cost! I have a dental issue I'm going to have to deal with soon, so I can sympathize with that! Love the reminiscing picture you shared - very sweet!
