Wednesday, June 5, 2024


      Happy Wednesday, Y'all

It's been a while since I joined Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness, along with a few other bloggers, and shared a look at what's currently going on in my life. But I thought today would be a good day to get back at that :)

Want to know what's currently on my mind?

At this point, it's our seniors. 

Yesterday, they picked up their caps and gowns and checked in all over their textbooks. Today, they'll have their first graduation practice. And tomorrow, they'll wear those caps & gowns, take all the photos, walk across that stage to collect their diplomas, and then be ready to spread out, literally, all across the globe.

When I first graduated college as a teacher, I said, I would NEVER teach high schoolers. At that time, I honestly just could not imagine ever teaching students older than elementary ages. But if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it is to never say never because God does tend to have a sense of humor ;) 

Because, somehow I made it from teaching kindergarteners during my internship all those years ago to me teaching and working with secondary students (middle/high) the past 7 years. And that just blows my mind at times. 

So yeah, back to the seniors...

Unlike most schools where graduates might leave and move a few cities or potentially a few states away yet still could potentially see each other somewhat regularly, if they wanted to, our students are already from so many different countries, plus they end up in universities and/or jobs literally all over the globe. So while some may see each other again, the possibility of that could potentially be slim. It's hard. But it's a part of this life.

I taught a few of them when I was an elementary teacher at our school (their 1st, 4th, and 5th grade years). Then, when I started my class, I began teaching others of them. Then I've also mentored, been a small group leader, led clubs with them, etc. over the years. Plus, for the past 4 years, I've been one of their class sponsors for various fundraisers and other class events. 

It has been such a joy and a privilege to have had the opportunity to be around for so much of these kids' educations/lives. Some I've known since early elementary days and some I've only known a year or two. But no matter the length of time, one thing is for certain...

I am so incredibly proud of these kids.

I told someone that I don't know how their parents do it. I'm all teary eyed and feeling such intense joy and pride (and sadness too at saying goodbye to them). And I'm not even their parent. So yeah, I don't know how they do it.

At any rate

That's what's currently on my mind today. 

So, Happy Almost Graduation Day 

to the 

Dakar Academy Class of 2024


So what about you?

What’s currently on your mind? 

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