Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What’s Up June

       Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for June's What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.

So let's get started...

What am I eating?

I bought a bag of salad and a few random salad toppings, along with some cotton candy grapes and have been eating that for supper each night in my hotel room instead of running through a drive-thru. Although, I did have a Chick-fil-A gift card that I used yesterday to get a peach milkshake for my “appetizer” last night on my way back to the hotel. :)

What am I reminiscing about?

Graduation - These 25 will always hold a special place in my heart. It was such a blessing to be one of their class sponsors for the 4 years they were in high school. 

 What am I loving?

Time with my Mama :)

What have I been up to?

I’m currently on a mini road trip. I’ve been able to visit some family and friends. And I’ve had lots of time in a hotel, reading my Bible, journaling, praying, and thinking through this last phase of my life. I was basically at the point of burnout when I left Senegal a couple weeks ago. And while some mission organizations provide a time of debriefing and re-entry for their workers who leave the field, mine didn’t. So thanks to a friend from a different group who shared some of what her organization had given her, and some resources I found online, I’m doing my own. I’m loving being back in Alabama, but leaving Senegal was difficult. And yes, it was 100% of God and I know that. But that place, my ministry/work, etc basically consumed my life for close to 15 years (which isn’t a bad thing but still)… So I recognize that is only natural that I’ve been struggling since being back. So yeah… The past few days have been really good for me. It really has.

What am I dreading?

Nothing much at the moment… Other than maybe going outside since it’s like a bazillion degrees outside everyday. 

What am I working on?

I suppose I could say a similar answer to how I answered the question before last… But to be different on this one, I’ll say that I’m working on doing better at embracing the fact that it’s ok to be sad. I feel like too often we (especially as Christians) focus so much time and energy into telling people to always be positive, to the point that people end up just faking it. But why? Accept the sadness. Find out the root cause of it. Work through it. Then the happiness will come. It really is okay to be sad sometimes. Just saying…

 What am I excited about?

My new job… I was able to visit my school, see my classroom, and meet my principal and some of my co-workers while in Mobile a couple weeks ago. Am I nervous? For sure! But I really am also excited about what’s to come. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me in the upcoming school year :)

What am I watching?

I went to the theater yesterday and watched Inside Out 2. It was so good! 

What am I reading?

I’m reading and rereading Psalm 139 each day, as part of a devotional I’m doing. It’s such a good chapter - so full of goodness that’s needed for this very time in my life. 

What am I listening to?

I’m enjoying being back in the US and being able to listen to the radio and hear new (to me) music. 

What am I wearing?

I’ve been wearing my hair down almost everyday since I’ve been back. However, as the temperature and humidity keeps rising at an awfully quick rate, this may not last very long. Just saying :)

 What am I doing this weekend?

I’ll probably help my mom out a bit around the house. We’ll go to church and then I’ll meet up with more former DA friends in Birmingham.

What am I looking forward to next month?

Fourth of July, fun times with my nieces, family time, and heading back to Mobile

Favorite recent Amazon find?

I anctually haven’t ordered anything since being back in the US. I know. I know. I’m surprised too. Ha! 

What's new this month?

I mailed out my last ever missions newsletters last week. It’s such a weird feeling for that part of my life to basically be over. I have more I could say, and probably will eventually, once I’ve had time to process things. But for now…

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?


  1. Welcome back to the States! It is so good to hear that your adjustment is going well, all things considered. I know it is a huge transition!! Congrats on the new job and orientation!

    1. Honestly, the transition back really hasn’t gone that well. Yes, there have been good/high points. But it’s actually been quite difficult.

      Thanks for the congrats on the new job!
