Saturday, October 24, 2009

Exercise and God

I found out this morning I've lost 17 pounds since I've been here. I haven't been trying necessarily, but it's just happened.Of course, in the 3 months I've been here, I've started eating healthier (just by necessity and lack of McDonalds too). I walk more too (1/2 mi one way to school -- not to mention walking almost everywhere else). There's nothing like swating for Jesus. That's for sure.

This got me thinking. How is exercising, or working out, like serving God?

1) We have to strengthen our minds and bodies through prayer and devotion.
2) We have to take water breaks every now & then. These little breaks replenish our minds, bodies, and souls.
3) We need "workout buddies" to help encourage us along the way.
4) We have to spend time with our personal trainer (God). He has a plan set for us. He wants to work with us. Yes, He'll push us hard, but that's only because He wants us to succeed.

Too often people treat God like the newest, most trendy diet or exercise plan. It's fun to try for a while. Sure, I'll go to church every Sunday. Sure, I'll give my tithes and a nice offering when the plate comes around.

Then something changes. And that new "fad" of serving God isn't as appealing. Oh I'm sorry. I can't come to church this Sunday. My favorite tv show's on that day. Or oh I'm sorry. I can't pay my tithes this week. I'll just put a little change in and maybe no one will notice.

The excuses pile up and soon (just like with a lot of those new diet/exercise trends) you're not serving God anymore. God becomes a burden to you. You think you don't have time to pray or read your Bible or witness anymore.

But God's not a fad or a trend or the latest cool idea. God is God. God is constant. He never changes. And He never leaves us. Even when we ignore Him and don't treat Him the way we know we should, God still loves us. He still cares for us. He still wants to train us into the best shape (the best Christian person) we can be.

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