Saturday, September 15, 2012

The 30th Dear ______ Post

Dear Entertaining, I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I so love being able to entertain people so much. I love having people in my home, cooking them a meal, and getting to chat with them, get to know them a little better, and just have a good time fellowshipping with them.

Dear Internet at Home, You've made my "Dear _____" posts 3 weeks in a row now. I'm still a little frustrated that you're STILL not working. Major sadness for sure... :( BUT I do have neighbors that are being incredibly awesome and letting me use theirs temporarily so that's been much nicer than staying at school 'til it's late, finishing everything up, and then dreading having to walk home in the dark. :)

Dear 14, You're how many weeks (minus 2 days) that are left until I get to meet my niece :)

Dear Who to Vote for, I wish you were an easier decision. Elections are in November and while I will definitely use my privilege and responsibility as an American to vote, I'm not necessarily thrilled about it at the moment. I'm not 100% sold on either one. My ideal candidate...a Christian that actually supports all that a true biblical Christian belief stands for. ...not one that picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he'll support and which he'll "throw out." ...because that is exactly what both candidates are doing. It makes me sad :(

Dear 2, You're the number of times I've slid & fallen and hit on the SAME knee in the past 3 weeks. My poor knee looks like a rainbow with so many different shades of bruises. Boo to that :(

Dear Rug, I bought you this week to be placed in my classroom. I've been wanting one ever since I started teaching 1st grade. You're the perfect location for cute kids to sit during morning/circle time, storytelling, and center activities. And now that they've realized all of the geometric patterns on you, you've turned into a fun Math activity when there's a couple minutes to kill. So not only are you cute and awesome,you're also educational. Go you! :)

Dear 100% Humidity, You're not cool at all. And I mean that in terms of temperature and in the popularity. Oh and your friend known as Sweating Buckets can leave too. Thanks. :)

Dear Full House, You're what I had last night. My tiny apartment was full of co-workers and friends welcoming two new ladies to our DA community. But even though it was a little cramped and hot (since my living room feels like a sauna) at times, it was a lot of fun. I haven't laughed that much in a long time :)

Dear "May I go to the bathroom?" You were the first full sentence that my Bambara-only speaking (male) student said on Tuesday. Any time he's had to go before I've made him repeat that sentence after me, to give him practice saying it. But today he said it all by himself! He was so proud of himself. And of course his teacher was very proud of him too. Yay for progress! :)

Dear Application for Graduation, I turned you in this past Wednesday. Can I just say how happy that makes me?! I'm that much closer to being done. P.S. to people in Dakar...I'm planning on throwing myself a party in May since I'll be missing my graduation. Feel free to come to my party. It'll be awesome! Ha :)

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