Saturday, September 20, 2014

The 117th Dear _____ Post

Dear Zaxby's in Selma, You donated 10% of your profits during a certain three hour span earlier this week to my school. The money will go towards new books in the library and fun incentives for our Reading programs. And since I love me some Zaxby's, I talked my parents into meeting me there after I got off work so I could treat them to dinner and help a good cause at the same time. What a fun night it was :)

Dear Common Core, Now that I've been working with you for a month, I must say. You're pretty great when it comes to education. You're simply a set of standards teachers use to guide instruction, and with the exception of the part on evolution (which is so super small by the way), I really like you. You really do make teaching easier in my opinion. 

Dear Angry, I bet you're how I'm going to make some people feel after reading the above item. But that's okay. It's just my opinion. There's no law that says my opinion has to be the only right one...

Dear One Year (plus a few days), You're how long it's been since my Papa (grandfather) passed away. It just doesn't seem real sometimes. I feel like I can still drive over and sit with him and talk to him. Major sad face y'all... 

But with that said... 

Dear Knowledge of a Future in Heaven, You're what my Papa had before he died. His life told an amazing testimony! And you know, I'm glad I have that knowledge too. I can't imagine going through life without the hope of a future home with my Savior in Heaven. How sad...

Dear Great Commission, You're what all Christians are called to do. It doesn't just apply to missionaries overseas. It applies to every single one of us. We're to go out into the world around us - our families, our friends, our classmates, our co-workers, our neighbors, and so on and so forth... We're supposed to go out and share the Gospel with everyone. 

Dear Sweet Comments About Getting Back in the Blogging Business, Thanks for making a girl feel good. It's nice to know people actually read these posts :)

Dear Internet, Guess what! We finally have you at home now! Yay for joining the current century (and for not having to drive 20 minutes down the road to use internet anymore)!!! :)

Dear Time Away, I wouldn't mind having you some time (with no responsibilities while I'm away).  Anyone want to go on vacation?

Dear PP (as in the 2 letters in the middle of the word, shopping), You provided quite the comedic relief for one of my students this week. When I spelled the word, shopping, for him and he heard the "pp" part, he just laughed and laughed. Ah, little kid humor...

Dear Upstairs, You're where my classroom is. On a "slow" day, I probably walk up and down stairs maybe three or four times during the day. Yesterday, though, I know it was at least 10 times or more. Thank you Jesus for a job with a built in exercise plan :)

Dear Studying, You're how I will be spending my weekend this weekend. least part of it, that is. I'll be trying my best to memorize the 16 Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God. Any AG people out there have tips on how you memorized them? ...because I am sooooo not the best memorizer :)


  1. My classroom is on the 3rd I totally hear you on the "built in exercise plan"! Oh how I miss my first floor classroom at DA! Those stairs kill me...especially with this chest cold that one of my little monsters gave to me. :)

  2. Yes, people DO actually read your posts & I am one of them :)
    Enjoyed it as always!
