Sunday, September 14, 2014

The 116th Dear ____ Post

Dear Blog, Wow! I seem to have neglected you...a lot. I suppose actually living life got in the way of blogging about life :)

Dear Teaching Special Education in America, I forgot how much paperwork is involved with you. Oh my word... It's never ending. But getting to hang out with such cool kids totally makes up for it :)

Dear Wait, You're the word God placed on my heart recently. You're the topic of another blog post that's in the works. And you know... You're something I've never been to good at. Interesting that God chose that word for me, huh :)

Dear Taking Classes, This is the longest I've ever gone without you. While it's nice not having to stay up late each night doing assignments and studying for exams, I must admit... I do miss it at times...

Dear Florala, You're where I am this weekend. Oh the memories this city holds... It seems like just yesterday I was in high school. Now it's 11 1/2 years later. Where has the time gone?

Dear 100%, I sent out an important email this past week which explained a big change that's taking place in my ministry. And you're how supportive the responses I received have been.

Dear Newsletters, I sent the email form of you out this past week and will be putting the paper version in the mail tomorrow. This one was a little hard to write...

Dear 4 Months Old, You're how old my youngest niece is today. It feels like just yesterday that I got the text that she was on her way. 

Dear Sleeping Late, You don't happen very often but when you do, boy are you amazing :) 

Dear Amazing Race Season 6, I bought you this past week and started watching you yesterday. The only reason I got you was that Senegal is one of the pit stops, so I wanted to see if I recognized anywhere/anything featured. I can't wait to say "I've been there!" :)

Dear Parents, I'm happy you're mine. (well, mine to share). ...just thought you should know :)

Dear Speaking about Senegal, You're what I'll be doing this morning. My notes will be a little different, based on the changes God's made in my calling, but the passion will still be the reach the UNREACHED for Jesus!

Dear Seeing Friends from High School, You're a little side gift that accompanied this trip to Florala. How fun it is to get together, talk about life "back in the day", and catch up on each other's lives now. I'm glad it happened this trip.

Dear Driving, I feel like you're all I ever do. I'm starting to feel like my car is my second home. :)   

1 comment:

  1. Elisabeth, I'd love to be on your newsletter list/email list!
