Friday, January 5, 2024


   Happy Friday, Y'all

I'm joining Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness, along with a few other bloggers, and sharing a look at what's currently going on in my life. The prompts for this month are:

* loving * looking forward to * resolving * doing to stay cozy this month * cooking *

I'm currently loving this picture that I took while flying back to Dakar yesterday. I've always loved looking up (or down when in a plane, of course) at the clouds. It just makes me marvel at how beautiful/cool God's creation truly is. 

I'm currently looking forward to school starting back on Monday. Don't get me wrong... I loved my Christmas Break. It was amazing! But, I do so much better when I have a routine in place, so that part will definitely be nice. And I love being with my students. So I'm excited to have them back in my classroom again too. It'll be great to see them again, hear about their breaks, and to be working with each of them for another semester.

I'm currently resolving to make better/different choices in a lot of areas of my life. I'll write more on this later. But I decided that my word for the year is going to be choice. And it all (well, mostly) started with this quote that a friend shared on Instagram a few months ago...

I'm currently doing a little to stay cozy this month. It's definitely not winter here in Senegal. The temp here is about 30-40 degrees warmer than the temp was in Alabama when I left the other day. So there won't likely be any cozying up under a blanket happening here. But, I am planning to cozy up in my comfiest chair to work on my Bible studying and journaling later this afternoon/evening. 

I'm currently cooking nothing big. I brought a Korean BBQ flavored ramen cup with me from the States and brought it today to eat for my lunch while working in my classroom. I'll go heat it up for a late lunch in a little while. And then I'm thinking that for dinner, I'll probably just make a cheese quesadilla to go with some salsa I forgot I had in my fridge that is still, thankfully, good. Easy peasy.

And since it's my blog and I can, I'm including a few more currentlys in this month's post :)

I'm currently feeling grateful for the time I had with my family during my trip to the States. I do so love spending time with these people!

And speaking of that trip, I'm currently also feeling grateful that I had such a  smooth trip, with no major delays and that all of my bags arrived with me. Often, neither of those two factors happen. So I'm always especially grateful when they do.

I'm currently reflecting on these verses from Isaiah 51. A friend shared the following on her Instagram this morning and it got me thinking too... What a great reminder for us all!

And that’s about it for me.

What  about you?

What are you currently up to? 


  1. I love that quote. Such conviction and motivation!! I’m ready to get back to our family’s routine as well. I do so much better with a routine!

  2. Joining you from Jennifer's blog :) Your photo are wonderful, and I'm glad you had a great trip! I'm with you on reading to going back to routines! I'm the same way! I followed, I can't wait to keep up with you this year!

  3. I also love the view from a plane window -- the amount of sky you can often see is breathtaking. And yay for smooth travel and luggage arrivals. We experienced the same thing this holiday and it was such a gratitude moment.
