Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hello Tuesday

      Happy Monday Tuesday Y’all

Today I'm joining Holly and Sarah, and a few other bloggers, for today's Hello Monday link-up, where we say Hello to Monday with a look at what's going on in our lives at the moment. However, since I was busy all day yesterday, I’m saying Hello Tuesday instead :)

 So what's on my mind?

A lot. But 'tis the norm with me, I suppose.

Things like...

Georgia Trip - It was nice. It was so good to see family & friends. It was good to get away for a bit. It was good to have some time on my own to think/process. And the drive was absolutely beautiful. So that was nice too.

Psalm 139 - This is the chapter I was led to while working through a missions debriefing packet I found online. It’s such a good chapter of the Bible, full of reminders of how God is with us and sees us and cares about us at every single point in our life. 

Presidential Debate - I watched that the other night. And I must say… I’m not thrilled with either option at the moment. I feel like all both of them do is criticize the other and lie about their own accomplishments. It’s so frustrating.

Day with More Friends from Senegal - That’s what I had yesterday. It’s always nice to see people I used to work with in Senegal. And I’ve been able to see a lot this summer :)

Family - I am so loving being close to family again. I recognize I won’t be able to see them a ton but still… It’ll be a whole lot easier to see them, living only 3 hours by car away vs living 24+ hours by plane.


Pumping Gas - I realize this is 100% a first world “problem.” But y’all… I so despise pumping gas. I got spoiled in Dakar, having the norm there be the driver stays in the car and the gas station attendant pumps the gas for you. And yes, I realize in many northeastern US states, they still do this too. But alas, here in the south, we’re still pumping our own gas :)

AGWM - As of 2 days ago, I am no longer an employee of AGWM. So many different emotions accompany that statement… It’s such an odd feeling. I’m no longer an overseas missionary. That assignment that held such a  huge place in my heart for such a long time is complete. It was time. That, I know for sure. And I am excited about what’s to come. But still… My heart still grieves for the loss of what once was… I’ve started and restarted a blog post, processing a lot of what I’ve been thinking/feeling. But it just hasn’t felt “right” enough to post yet. Maybe soon :)

God - I love the image below. It’s such a peaceful image and a good reminder of where true refreshment for our soul comes from… God. Our Creator loves us and will provide peace for our souls. We just have to trust Him to take control…

And that’s about it for my scattered brain today. 

What about you?

 What’s on your mind today?  

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