Friday, March 25, 2011


I confess... that I've gone through a wide range of emotions/feelings today. ... sad, excited, lonely, homesick (yes, that counts), fear, nervousness, boredom, hopeful, and happy.

I confess... I miss going to work. I miss (gasp!) waking up at 5:30 every morning, getting ready, working on plans, and then being at work by 7(ish). And most of all, I miss those 10 hyperactive kiddos that make my life so incredibly fun!

I confess... I HATE sitting at home all day. It was nice for the first 2 days of Spring Break and then boredom crept in. I want to get out. I want to go do the things that I can't normally do because I work during the week.

I confess... I don't like going places by myself. To be such an independent person, I really do like people around me. (shocking, I know) ...which is why the confession above is hard for me. I don't really want to do those things I want to do because I'd be by myself. (I'm weird. I know.)

I confess... I love wearing pajamas. I come home from work and put on pj pants. If I go to town, the minute I get home, I change into pj pants. Seriously...I'm most comfy in comfy pj pants. (...because who would be comfy in "non-comfy" pants. ...good one, I know.

I confess... I am a big procrastinator. I will wait 'til the last minute to get things done. ...not always a good thing. BUT I totally kicked procrastination in the rear this week and worked ahead on a lot of my grad school and A/G licensing classes. (Take that procrastination!!)

I confess... I'm out of shape and want/need to lose weight. And I'm starting on a new "change of life plan" Monday. (There. I said it in a public forum...which means I'll hopefully stick to it. I'm giving myself 6 months to kick my rear in shape.) ..........P.S. Notice I didn't use the word "diet." If I use the "d" word, I'll totally not do it.

I confess... I could totally use French more often than I do. But if someone's with me that can speak French better then me, I totally let them handle it. It's like my crutch.

I confess... I miss drive-thru restaurants. Seriously, people ask me what food I miss the most. It's not a food. It's the drive-thrus. Why? ...convenience, super-quickness (like that word?), and nice tall styrofoam cups filled with ice I can actually eat! 

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