Monday, November 7, 2011

NaBloPoMo, Day 6 (posted a day late thanks to brown outs most of the day)

NaBloPoMo is short for National Blog Posting Month and the goal is to write a blog post every day for the month of November. 

When you're born in Alabama, you have to make a choice - Alabama or Auburn. You can't cheer for both teams. And if you don't choose people look at you like you've totally lost your mind. People live for Alabama (or Auburn) football. Some people plan their lives, birthday parties, even weddings around football games. 

Yesterday was a big game for Alabama. They played LSU. It was a sad day for dear ol' BAMA, as they lost to the Tigers. I didn't find out the results 'til the next day because I didn't feel the need to stay up until 4 a.m. to find out. (...There's a 6 hour time difference)

When I went on Facebook, though, I noticed a lot of people had updated their statuses (sp?) to discuss how loyal they are to the boys wearing crimson and white. I didn't count, but I know there were a lot of people posting about it.

So my question was... Do those same people spend as much time talking about their loyalty to God or their love and admiration to God, that they spend talking about their loyalty, love, and admiration of BAMA football? 

I'm not trying to criticize anyone. It just made me think a little.

Hmm... makes you think...

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