Saturday, November 5, 2011

NaBloPoMo, Days 1 - 5

NaBloPoMo is short for National Blog Posting Month and the goal is to write a blog post every day for the month of November. Since I was feeling Blogger Remorse for not writing as faithfully as I "should," I thought I'd give this a try. :)

Post 1-5 (in one post...)

In keeping with the "5 Theme" (...5 posts in one)

5 People that Inspire Me...
1) God
2) my mom
3) my dad
4) Helen Keller
5) Temple Grandin

5 Bible Verses I Love...
1) Psalm 34:3
2) Philippians 4:16
3) Matthew 28:19
4) Jeremiah 29:11
5) 1 Timothy 4:12

5 Foods I Love...
1) grilled hamburger
2) salad
3) bacon
4) french fries
4) ...pretty much anything Mexican

5 TV Shows I Like...
1) 19 Kids and Counting
2) Psych
3) Bones
4) Lie to Me
5) Last Man Standing

5 Awesome Places I've Visited...
1) South Africa
2) Paris, France
3) Florence, Italy
4) Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
5) Dakar, Senegal

5 Dreams for the Future...
1) get married
2) have children
3) work with my family on the mission field
4) work in/run an orphanage
5) have someone (family, friend) visit me in Senegal :)


  1. Hi, Elizabeth,

    NaBloPoMo? Really?? November has been NaNoWriMo for many years (National Novel Writing Month), so the people who came up with this blog month couldn't find another month to do this -- there are only 11 other ones to choose from!

    I'm not blaming YOU and btw, I really enjoyed your five-days-at-once post, but it just feels like cheating to me (since it's obvious from the acronym NaBloPoMo that they were inspired by NaNoWriMo -- that CAN'T be a coincidence!).


  2. Yeah, this has been going on a while. I just decided to jump on the NaBloPoMo bandwagon, though. And you're write. It started a year after NaNoWriMo, so it is a copycat. :)
