Saturday, July 28, 2012

The 23rd Dear _____ Post

Dear Pain in my Foot, Every step I take feels like someone's sticking a knife in the bottom of my foot. I'm not really sure what's wrong with it. According to "Dr. Google," it's either a stone bruise (more likely) or a stress fracture (less likely). Either way, there's not a ton that can really be done about it - past rest, elevation, and ice. But man, do you hurt!

Dear Packing, I think I've said this before, but man, do I hate you. I've put you off long enough. But I'm starting you this afternoon when I get back home. You're just sooooo not fun!

Dear Internal Alarm Clock, I realize you were forced to wake up at 5 a.m. every week morning for the last 5 weeks, but that's over. So please feel free to stop waking me up at that time every day...

Dear 50 lbs., You seem like a lot, but when you're trying to pack 6 months to a year worth of clothes, food, toiletries, and other supplies into two 50 lb. suitcases, it's really not that much.

Dear School Supplies, Some of the teachers where I was doing my internship got together and gave me a lot of you. ...far more than I can take back, right now even. They definitely saved me some money with all they gave me! :)

Dear Family Reunion, You're tomorrow morning. I always love going to you. It's so nice to get together with the whole extended family, catch up, enjoy good food, and just have a good time. We may be a loud crew when we're all together, but we're fun! :)

Dear Monetary Blessings, I got two of you this week. These were for things I was wanting (and hoping for), but not necessarily needing. I love that God will give us the desires of our hearts. :) 

Dear Haircut, I got you the other day. It's amazing how much lighter my head feels with my hair thinned out and an inch trimmed off. It's perfect for the Alabama and the Senegal heat :)

Dear Papermate Flair Pens, You are my most favorite kind of ink pens. I love to write letters with you, to grade papers with you, to study or take notes with you. You're colorful and fun. But here's the problem. You're expensive. Why? I'd buy far more of you if you're price was lowered. Why don't you tell your makers to lower the price a little? :)

Dear Small Picture Frames, I bought you this week. I can't wait to set you up in my new apartment. It's going to be nice to have pictures of my family and friends set out so I can show them off. :)

Dear 10, You're exactly how many days are left until I leave for Dakar. It seems like just yesterday that I got here. The time has just flown by! But I'm ready! :)

Dear Olympics Opening Ceremony, You were last night and I loved you! My favorite part is the Parade of Nations. I love seeing all of those countries in one room together. Why can't we all be at peace like it looks there? Wouldn't that be nice?

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