Saturday, August 4, 2012

The 24th Dear _______ Post

Dear 2, You're exactly how many days are left until my birthday. Bring it on 27th year. I'm ready :)

Dear Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Frosting, You are my favorite type of cake. I had you at my pre-birthday party with my family this past Tuesday. Oh my yummy! :)

Dear 4, You're exactly how many days are left until I land in Dakar. I know I've said this a lot, but the time has just flown by this summer. It seems like just yesterday that I landed in BIrmingham, ready to start my summer vacation.

Dear Daisy (my niece), I'm going to miss your birth. I hate that I'll be missing so much of your life. You'll be about 4 months old before I get to meet you for the first time. I know it could be so much worse, so I should just be grateful. And I am. I really am. But I'm still a little sad too. But Daisy, your parents and grandparents have promised me lots of pictures. So I'm going to hold them to that :)

Dear Packing, I so very much dislike you. much so, that I'm including my sentiments 2 weeks in a row :) And now that I'm still trying to figure out how to fit 3 suitcases worth of stuff into only 2 suitcases, I've decided that packing should be made into an Olympic sport. ...great idea. Don't you think? :)

Dear Unpacking, I'm actually looking forward to you. I know there is a LOT for me to do, since I have my suitcases from this summer plus all of my stuff from my old apartment (that was moved after I left in June). But, I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to unpack, organize, and decorate :)

Dear Tomorrow, You're bringing me two services. in the a.m. and one in the p.m. ...both of which I'm really looking forward to. I always love being able to share my heart for Senegal, Dakar Academy, and the people I get to work with!

Dear Chik-fil-A, You've been in the news a lot the past couple weeks. I've always appreciated the Christian values held by your founder. I've always appreciated that he chose to have you be closed on Sundays. And I now appreciate his honesty and courage in stating his beliefs, even though he probably knew the reaction that would receive. 

Dear Bugs, Your the decorations theme I've chosen for my classroom this year. Since the choices available at any stores I looked at were ridiculously expensive, I chose to just make my own. I can't wait to see it all put up and ready for the kids to enjoy :)

Dear Goodbyes, I know I've said this before, but you're sooooo not fun. You're the one part of my job that I dislike. :(

Dear Soul Print by Mark Batterson, Thanks to an iTunes gift card, I was able to purchase you yesterday. I really enjoyed another book by your author (Circle Maker) and I think I'm going to enjoy you as well. I'm going to be reading through you with a friend once I'm back in Dakar. I'm excited to start reading you Soul Print. 

Dear 27, You're how many "resolutions" I'm making on Monday. I've made a list of 27 things I plan to do in my 27th year. ...sort of like New Year's Resolutions, but on my birthday. idea, right? I know. I'm brilliant :) 

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