Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blogtember Day 1 - Where did you come from?

Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

I am an American and I am an Alabamian. I'm extremely proud to say both of statements. I love my home state and home country. Are they perfect places to live? No. Do they have their share of problems? You bet. But that's ok. They're still where I call "home." They're where I'm from. 

My family has definitely helped to make me into the person I am today. I was so blessed to be raised in a loving, Christian home. My parents and grandparents taught me by example of how godly people should act. I'm so grateful for their constant state of love, encouragement, and support. Again, I'll say that it's these people that have helped me become who I am today.


  1. Lovely family photos, Elisabeth. It's nice to meet you. Looking forward to reading your next posts. :-)

    1. It was nice meeting you too. Thanks for reading my blog. That's nice to hear :)
