Sunday, September 29, 2013

The 78th Dear _____ Post

Dear 1 month, Has it really been that long since I last wrote a Dear ____ post?

Dear Water Situation in Dakar, You're getting worse and worse. Some people have been without water for over 2 weeks now. Many people who can't afford the luxury of bottled water have had to resort to using dirty, unhealthy water for drinking, etc. Can you imagine? Think of all the ways you use water in a day. Now imagine that all taken away because there's NO water at all. Thankfully we still have water at home. The school's water isn't coming as frequently though. But at least we can afford to buy bottled water if need be.

Dear High Heat and Humidity, We've been experiencing you all week. Oh my goodness... It seems like every day is hotter and more humid than the day before. I can't wait 'til cool season!

Dear Air Conditioning, I've never had you at home (in Dakar), but for the past 4 years I've had you in my classroom. And I don't believe I ever truly appreciated your awesomeness. Now that I don't have you in my classroom (where I spend the majority of my day) OR at home, I feel as if I'm never able to get a reprieve from the high heat/humidity that I mentioned above. When you get used to something and then don't have it anymore, it's hard. I seem to be "sweatin' for Jesus" even more now. Occasionally my students feel the effects of it, and even with the fans on, beg me to teach outside at one of the picnic tables in the shade. I realize that some people have it far worse than me. I do. But wow... I keep telling myself, Cool Season's coming... :)

Dear Survivor, You started back a couple weeks ago. I must say... I'm pretty annoyed with some of the people playing you this season. I really thought this new theme would be a cool one. And it was at first. But it's getting annoying... I'm hoping things get better as the season goes along. And you know what Survivor? This is the first year since coming to Africa that I'm watching you by myself. I've always had friends that are on the Survivor watching bandwagon, but far this year, I haven't found anyone. But I do have one friend that is nice enough to not post spoilers on Facebook before I've had a chance to watch. Then once I've finished the episode, we can dissect the show and complain/rejoice with each other via Facebook. Go technology! :)

Dear Oatmeal, I've never been a big fan of you. I never liked you growing up and as an adult, I'd only eat you if I absolutely had to, which was rare. But recently, I've discovered that all of a sudden, I love the taste of you. Can our taste buds (tastes?) change like that? Too bad all the yummy flavors of instant oatmeal found in America don't exist here. Anyone want to send me some? I'd totally be your BFF if you did. Kidding...sort of :)

Dear Money, You're pretty tight right now. Thanks to my stupid mistake in which I totally blamed on my sleep-deprived-broken-hearted-emotionally-whacked week in the States and missed my original flight to Dakar, I had to pay a whopping $1300 to fly back later the next day. BOO! I now know what broker than broke means. I'm so thankful that I had some (Senegalese) money saved up before leaving for Dakar. Yay for food and bottled water :) FYI...I will now check and recheck my plane tickets over and over and over and over (get the idea?) before flying out, so as to NEVER EVER EVER make that mistake again...

Dear Kids Club, You're going great. You are definitely one of the highlights of my week. And I'm sad when I can't be there. I'm so grateful for the 3 other adults that stepped up and volunteered to help run you. These ladies (and gentleman) are awesome! The kids love them! It makes this teacher's heart happy to know that there are other people out there willing to teach this program that I love so much!

Dear Life, Wow! You've been quite the doozy here lately. Here's hoping that things settle down for a while...

Dear Broken Heart, I've felt like I've had you for a while now. My sweet Papa died. My Daddy had a major heart attack and subsequent surgery to repair a majorly blocked artery. I had to sit through the hardest funeral EVER, complete with military honors, such as Taps being played (major heartbreaker there, let me tell you...). I had to broken-heartedly watch my dad struggle with a painful recovery. I then had to broken-heartedly say goodbye to my family just 9 days after arriving back in the States. I came back to Dakar and settled back into work, teaching my students, and spending time with friends. I'm not going to lie. This past week has been exceptionally hard. I still felt as if my heart were broken. I was still in the weird in-between phase of loving my life and work here while being glad to be back, and at the same time, feeling sad that I wasn't "back home" with my family. The intense heat and humidity, power cuts, and looming water cuts didn't really help matters either. But thankfully by the end of the week, things got better. I'm so thankful for a God that loves us, that hears our prayers, that says it's ok to cry and be sad, and that gives us mercy, grace, peace, and comfort when we need it. I'm so thankful for friends that know when to ask how things are going and when to just give a hug or write a note or just be there. I'm so thankful for this life God's given me. I'm thankful that even in the bad times, He's still there!


  1. Praying for you, Elisabeth! Hang in there, friend. I pray that God brings some really specific people into your life this week to offer you hugs and words of encouragement. Thanks for being willing to answer the call to go back overseas, even when your family has had a lot of struggles. God will bless you for your sacrifices, even if you can't feel it immediately.

  2. Thanks for praying Danielle. I do feel better. The week progressively got better.

    Thanks too for the blog comment. It's always nice to know someone reads these posts :)
