Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The 115th Dear ____ Post

Dear Trip to Texas, You were so nice. I really, really enjoyed you and am so thankful for the time I got to spend with my friend who I went to visit. It reminded me, yet again, how nice friendship really is. 

Dear Family Reunion, You were the other day. It was so good to see family I haven't seen in a while. Plus my nieces were the hit of our table. I mean, come on... What could be more entertaining than two adorable little girls? :)

And speaking of my nieces...

Dear Willow, You're 2 months old now. You've just recently started to smile and coo, which is supe, super cute!

Dear Daisy, You're birthday is in a week. I still can't believe you're about to be two. You look like such a "big girl" now!

Dear African Chair, I bought you in Dakar and brought you home to give to my niece for her birthday. She calls you the "big chair" since we think you're just a little too high for her to sit comfortably at the moment. But it's still super cute and I'm so glad I made that purchase!

Dear All White, You're what my principal said she wants all faculty and staff to wear next week on registration day. I may have secretly (or not so secretly) expressed my strong disdain for that color choice to my mom before resigning myself to breaking my number one fashion rule... "Elisabeth will only wear all white once in her entire life." My master plan in life had been to only purchase one white dress in my entire life - my wedding dress. But alas, when the boss makes something a requirement, you gotta do it. So thankfully, I was able to find an inexpensive white dress (and white shoes) on sale at the very first store I visited, so I didn't lose any time having to shop around and I was able to save a little money while I was at it. Score! :)

Dear New Classroom, I visited you for the first time yesterday. I'll be so happy when I can get things put away, organized, and arranged so it'll be fun and inviting and "pretty."

Dear Sitting in a Meeting from 8:30 to 3:30, You're how I'll be spending my birthday next week. Sounds fun, huh? At least it's on a topic I enjoy. ...teaching Special Education. So I know I won't be bored. And who knows... Maybe I could slyly let them know it's my birthday and they'll let us out early to celebrate. HA! :)

Dear WSFA, You're a local news station that sent a guy out to the school where I was in a meeting the other day. My claim to fame is now that I was on the news for a total of about 2 seconds. Go me! :)

Dear Solo Hospital Visit, I made you for the first time yesterday to visit a sweet little guy who's recently had emergency surgery - to check on him and pray for him... This kid was my right hand man, my little buddy in my Children's Church before I moved to Africa 5 years ago. Now he's going in the 5th grade and is almost as tall as me. But he still has that same sweet spirit as the 5 year old that followed me around, begging for us to "talk more about my best friend, Jesus, Miss Elisabeth, because I love Him so so much!" :)

Dear Disappointed, You're how I feel knowing I can't be in Springfield next week with the rest of my Senegal AGWM family. Boo to being a responsible grown-up and working since I signed a contract saying I would :(

Dear 5 Years, You're how long it's been since the first day I landed in Senegal. There are so many emotions swirling around in my brain (heart?) when thinking about this anniversary. I love being free to be what God's called me to be in the country He's called me to go to, and while I love being in America right now, I am homesick for Senegal. Ah...the feelings that go with having two "homes" :)

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