Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Everybody!

Today I'm joining  MelShay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 


Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating this week?

I had a few friends over for lunch today. I made fried rice and (modified) butter chicken and rice.

What am I reminiscing about? 

Christmases with family...

What am I loving?

I loved having my classroom all decorated for Christmas! It was so festive and fun :)

What have I been up to?


What are you dreading?

Construction noise - It's been almost every day since April, with various projects going on in my apartment building. I miss sleeping late. I miss peace and quiet during the day. I miss going home to quiet. And while I do appreciate them wanting to make our campus/housing look nicer. Still... Can you tell it's getting old? ;)

What am I working on?

Raiding my missions budget - I only need $390 more in monthly commitments to have my fully budget raised. Interested in partnering with me to raise this amount? Send me an email at for more info.

What am I excited about?

While everyone else was taking semester exams, we spent the week before Christmas Break doing all sorts of fun Christmas-y things. We baked and decorated cookies. We watched Christmas movies. We did Christmas-themed school lessons/activities. We made things and wrapped things. We opened presents. And all the while, we learned the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of Jesus. And y'all... Seeing the excitement on my students' faces throughout it all made me excited as well! I loved it!

What am I watching?

I watched Sweet Home Alabama the other evening while finishing report cards. I love that movie! 

What am I reading?

Here's the stack of books I checked out to read over Christmas Break.

What am I listening to?

Christmas music as much as possible :)

What am I wearing?

I'm wearing some pretty painted toes. Past that, I've been wearing pajamas as much as possible. It is Christmas Break, after all ;)

What am I doing this weekend?

It's Christmas! It's definitely hard to be away from family on the holiday, but thankfully, I'm spending Christmas with some awesome friends. 

What am I looking forward to next month?

School starting back
Getting back into a routine
A new fun Photo a Day plan
New Year's Resolutions I'll hopefully stick with

What else is new? 

A friend and her family moved away, and I may or may not have cried quite a few tears over that goodbye... :(

So what are YOU up to this month?


  1. Are you working at a school in West Africa? Your idea of rest and pj's during the holiday season sounds perfect! This is the best time of year (after all day, every day, all year) to focus on Christ and what this holiday is about. He was born for US! Blows my mind every year. Brings me to tears. Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Rebecca, Yes. I work at Dakar Academy, an international K-12 Christian school in Dakar, Senegal, West Africa.
