Monday, January 1, 2018

One Word for 2018

Happy New Year!

In hopes of simplifying my life a bit, I'm changing up my New Year's Resolutions/Goals.

This year I'm focusing on one word...


In 2018, I'm going to focus on GROWTH in a few specific areas of my life...

Growth in my relationship with God

I want to grow deeper on my walk with the Lord this year. I want to grow to the point where my first instinct in times of trouble/confusion is to turn to prayer and His Word, rather than to advice from family or friends. I want to grow such a hunger for His Word, that it is the first book I pick up when I'm ready to relax and read. I want to grow in my relationship with God.

Growth in my career

I want to grow as a missionary teacher. I get the joy/blessing of having a career I truly LOVE. And I want to grow in that. I want to continue expanding my mind, growing in the knowledge needed to be the best missionary, the best teacher, the best missionary teacher I can be. I want to read and study. I want to explore and prepare. I want to grow in this career I so truly love.

Growth in my health

I want to grow healthier in 2018. I want to grow healthier - physically, spiritually, mentally. I plan to get in better shape. I plan to eat healthier. I plan to prevent some of the currently inevitable health conditions my family has dealt with. I plan to grow spiritually (see goal 1). And I plan to grow healthier mentally. I plan to include more positivity and less negativity in my life (see recent purchase below). I plan to spend more of my free time reading or expanding my mind, versus mindlessly scrolling through Facebook. I plan to include more free time in my often busy schedule. I plan to grow physically, spiritually, and mentally healthier. 

Growth in missions support

And since we're talking about needed growth... Another area in which I want (need) to see growth is in my missions support fundraising. I need to finish raising my budget. God has called me to Senegal to work with an incredible group of kids. But to continue long term at this, I need to raise the rest of my monthly commitments budget. If you're reading this today, and feel led to give, please click HERE or you can email me at for more info.

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