Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Happy Wednesday Y'all

Today's my last day of Summer Break. Teachers start back to work tomorrow. And then our students start back next week. I feel like the summer basically flew by. You can see a mini recap, or at least some pictures, by clicking HERE

Anywho - On with today's post. 

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And even though I’m a few days late, I still wanted to join in on the fun :)

Each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

August's prompts are...

* ordering * watching * cooking * wondering * savoring *

I'm currently ordering nothing. But look at the delicious chicken tacos I ordered for dinner last night. A group of friends and I went out for dinner last night for my birthday. It was such a fun evening with delicious food, great fellowship, and lots of laughter. I loved it!

I'm currently watching nothing... I haven't even plugged my TV in again, after having it unplugged all summer. I did, however, have fun "watching" my favorites during our video chat yesterday. It was so much fun watching their faces light up as I took my computer outside with me and gave them a "tour" of my school. They loved it! And of course, that made me love it as well!

I'm currently wondering where my summer went. It seems like it flew by. But you know... It was such a nice summer. Honestly, I think it’s the best I’ve had since coming to Senegal. 

I'm currently savoring all the fun birthday memories. Yesterday was my birthday and it was a good one. A friend took me out for brunch and a nice, long chat. I got a bit of work done in my classroom, had a meeting, had a video chat with my favorite people, and then went out for dinner with a big group of friends (and made a quick pit stop at the American Store for Dr. Pepper and salsa, among other things). :) It was such a nice day!

And since it’s my blog, and I can, here are a few more Currentlys :)

I’m currently prepping my classroom, getting things ready for the beginning of the school year.

I'm currently drinking far more water than I normally do, thanks to this big ol' thing. It holds 40 oz of water and while, a bit heavy, I'm glad it made the cut in my suitcase. It's come so much in handy. I love it!

I'm currently loving the new door hanger for our classroom. It's so bright and colorful and cheery! I really, really like it! 

I'm currently planning to finish writing my big Literature Review (10-15 pages) over the weekend. It's all about effective instructional methods for students with Autism. Thankfully, I started it during one of my layovers on the way back here to Dakar. So I don't have quite as much to do.

I'm currently wearing my new favorite t-shirt. Or, at least, I was a couple days ago. My mom bought it for me as an early birthday present. It's comfy, super cute, and it says "love Alabama." What else could I want in a shirt? :)

I'm currently working through a devotional on the Holy Spirit. I'm only a few days in, but it's really good. It takes you on a year long journey of studying every reference to the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testaments. I'm really enjoying it!

So what about you?

What are your currently up to?


  1. Summer just has a way of always flying by, doesn't it? My son is starting school before Labor Day for the first time this year, and it's making the season feel so fleeting... I'm glad to hear you had a good one though! Also, I have really been upping my water intake this year, and that gigantic water bottle looks perfect for it! :)

  2. Summer really did go by quick this year. I feel like all of 2019 is kind of flying by actually! I need to drink more water, so that's awesome your water bottle is helping with that. I hope you have a great school year.

