Thursday, September 19, 2019

Coffee Date

Happy Thursday Everybody

The Coffee Date series was started by Erin from Erin Salmon Writes, as a fun blogging exercise each month. And while, Erin doesn't actually host the Coffee Date link-ups anymore, I still think it is fun to share my own Coffee Date post each month. The premise of these Coffee Date posts was, and it still is for me, to pretend that I am on a coffee date with you, my reader, as a friend, and we are chatting about whatever is on our minds at the moment.

So with that said...

Grab a cup of coffee (or whatever) and let's settle in for a chat.

Image result for let's chat with cup of tea


If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that today's the second of three days of Professional Development at my school. I'd tell you that the teacher nerd in me loves stuff like this. I love learning and researching and gathering new ideas and tips and strategies for working with my students. Plus, any time you tie in Biblical truths, that's the icing on the cake.

If we were on a coffee date, I would show you a quote one of our PD leaders shared yesterday. It's an unfortunate sad reality in so many classrooms. And it's something I hope I never make my classroom into.

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that I got a pedicure this past weekend. I'd also tell you that I always feel guilty when I get one. It's just something about shelling out money on something so "frivolous." But I'm trying to do better at adding in a bit of self-care to my life here and there. So yeah... Check out those red toenails ;)

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that my 8th graders are currently reading The Outsiders. It's so full of 1960s era American-ness, that it's taking us quite a bit of explaining to get through the book. A lot longer than I thought, actually... Hmm, I wonder if there's a cliff notes version ;) 

If we were on a coffee date, I would share about the topic of going back, which I wrote about on here yesterday. Oh and FYI - I'd point out that, contrary to what it made some people think... I'm definitely not making plans to go back to the US right now. :)

If we were on a coffee date, I would ask what you've been studying lately in the Bible. Then I'd tell you that, with my Bible Study group last week, we studied from Genesis 17. And when I read the part where Isaac's birth was promised - something I've read a zillion times before - it stuck out at me. It's just yet another reminder of how God will deliver on promises He's made. It may not be when you expect them. But His timing is perfect.

What about you?

If we were on a coffee date, what would YOU share with me?

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