Friday, September 6, 2019


Happy Friday Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And even though I’m a few days late, I still wanted to join in on the fun :)

Each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

September's prompts are...

* making * taking * discovering * consuming * saving *

I'm currently making plans to purchase a few new books from Amazon. Want to see which ones are currently in my "soon to purchase" cart, waiting for my next payday (or maybe more than 1 payday) to arrive so I can buy them?

I'm currently taking a class on Literacy Instruction and making it available for all. It's only been in session for a couple weeks. But I'm already learning a lot about it. And it involves a lot of paper writing, which I love. So it's been nice.

I'm currently discovering just how much I love Thursday evenings. One of our AG MK's dinner on Thursdays for one of our AG MK's. She's going to hang out with me in between school and Youth Group, since I live on campus. And y'all... I had the best time eating dinner with her and chatting with her. I loved hearing all the random thoughts swirling around in her brain. My Thursday evenings are definitely far more interesting now :)

I'm currently consuming as many mangoes as possible before their season runs out next month. I'm also cutting a bunch up to throw in the freezer, so I can have mangoes in my smoothies throughout the year. Y'all, seriously... There is nothing like West African mangoes! So so good!

I'm currently saving all sorts of ideas for Drama Team performances for the year. I'm getting more and more excited each time I find something. This weekend, I'm going to nail down a few ideas and then start planning out the different parts/responsibilities. That way I'll be ready to share them with the kids at practice this coming week.

And since it’s my blog, and I can, here are a few more Currentlys :)

I’m currently feeling grateful for HOPE. In fact, I wrote about this on Monday. Every year, in January, instead of resolutions, I share words for the year. These are words I am choosing to incorporate into my year. This year's words were grace and rest. So I decided to choose a word for the school year. After all, I'm a teacher. My brain now thinks a year is from August to June. Anywho - After spending much time in thought and prayer, I realized that the word hope would be a good word for the year.

I'm currently attending a Bible Study with some friends and co-workers each week. It's a continuation, of sorts, of the study we've done the last two years. I really appreciate how we're all coming from different (Christian) backgrounds and are able to add such different perspectives on different thoughts/topics. I have really enjoyed learning from/with these ladies the past two years. And I'm looking forward to continuing that this year.

I'm currently re-reading "Chase the Lion" by Mark Batterson and I'm highlighting things left and right while I read. God is teaching me a lot through this book. And I'm glad it's one that I thought to leave here and have available to re-read.

So what about you?

What are your currently up to?

1 comment:

  1. There are always so many books in my Amazon cart too... just heard a great review of The Dearly Beloved, so I'm very interested to read it! Love the idea of picking a word for the school year, and I HOPE your school year is off to a great start :)
