Thursday, February 11, 2021

My Love Language

 Happy Thursday, Y'all

Today I am joining a Shay and Erika for their monthly Let's Look blog link-up. Each month there's a topic that bloggers write on, looking at a specific topic in their life at the moment. And this month... It's all about our Love Languages.

What are the 5 love languages

I vaguely remember taking the 5 love languages quiz many years ago. When I read the descriptions of the 5 "languages," it was quite obvious to me that Words of Affirmation was my thing. And when I actually took the quiz, my score most definitely proved that fact.

Want to know the quickest way to make me smile?

Write me a kind note/e-mail. Or even give me a (genuine) compliment.

I love when people will encourage me and acknowledge that I'm actually doing a good job. I can be incredibly hard on myself. So to hear that I'm actually doing okay... Well that means a lot. 

Also, I'm an external processor. When I'm sad or worried or nervous or stressed, I need to talk it out. I need to share my heart. And if I know someone cares enough to genuinely listen to my heart and offer helpful advice, it means the world.

If someone writes me a note, I'll hang on to it for the longest time. If someone recognizes something I've done well and mentions it, I'm beaming for days. If someone gives me a genuine, non generic "good job" type of compliment, I feel like I can relax because I actually am doing a good job.

But at the same time...

Want to know the quickest way to crush my spirit and hurt my heart? 

Criticize me in some way. 

Trust me. It'll stay with me (for what seems like) forever.

As a child, if a bully said something mean to me or made fun of me in some way, it stuck with me for a long, long time. 

As an adult, if someone is critical of an idea I have, it hurts my heart. Even if they come back later and say they didn't mean it and my idea would be great... The words have been said and that's all my brain can think about.

If someone dismisses my voiced fears or concerns, saying they're "no big deal" I shut down. It crushes my spirit.

I will remember hurtful things someone has said to me or about someone/something I care about for (almost) forever. And yes, I can forgive the person. But forgetting is often another story...

So what about you?

What's your love language?

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