Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Randomness on a Tuesday

 Happy Tuesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Ashley and Erika for their monthly Tuesday Talk link-up, where bloggers come together and talk about whatever is on our mind at the moment. 


Want to know what's on my mind at the moment?

A whole bunch of randomness, like...

Today is my brother's birthday. He's such a great guy! He loves his wife and daughters and treats them like the queen/princesses they are. He's generous and kind. He works ridiculously hard. I could keep going. I'm so grateful to have him as my brother. He's the best :)

Y'all... What is up with the weather back home?! It's so so cold there right now, which is obviously, so unlike Alabama. Also... Where were these cold temps when I was there last month? I'm a big fan of the cold. So I might be just a little jealous at the moment. Maybe... ;)

Valentines Day was this weekend. I can't say it's my most favorite holiday ever. It's the #1 day for magnifying singleness, whether you want it magnified or not. But, it was okay. I had breakfast with a friend. I joined one of my supporting churches in their online worship service. I did a bit of work in my classroom. I did some baking. And I spent some time resting/relaxing before starting the week ahead. Not a bad way to spend the day...

Oh... I did get this adorably cute card from a friend's son the other day. And I also got a couple roses and some candy too :) 

Last night, I called my mom and since she was at my brother's house, I got to chat with both of my nieces. They took me all around the house, pointing out all their favorite books and toys, telling me about their day, about them having school cancelled due to the crazy weather they're having, and more. It was definitely a super fun way to end my night :)

Last week, I was back in school. By the end of the week, I felt like I was finally back in my groove and all was good. But after 7 weeks away, I was absolutely exhausted every night the first few days back. One thing I am super grateful for is all the planning I did before leaving in December. Since I didn't know how long I'd need to be gone, I had to plan enough sub plans to last a long long time. And now, I am quite pleased with Past Me for doing that. It's kind of nice to have my afternoons/evenings free to hang out with friends or to go home and do absolutely nothing. I think I'm going to enjoy that :)

And speaking of school... I saw this quote and it's stuck with me.
 Oh how true it is!

There's all kind of other stuff on my mind. But these are the main things that made the cut. What about you? What's going on with you today?


  1. Happy birthday to your brother!! I’m from Alabama too!! These cold temps have not been my favorite!! I’m such a wimp in the cold!!

    1. It boggles my mind how cold its been there! Hope you can stay warm!
