Monday, August 19, 2024

Hello Monday

      Happy Monday Y'all

Today I'm joining Holly and Sarah, and a few other bloggers, for today's Hello Monday link-up, where we say Hello to the week with a look at what's going on in our lives at the moment.

 So what's on my mind?

A lot. But 'tis the norm with me, I suppose.

Things like...

School - It started back the week before last. My class is not exactly what I was expecting, but it’s been fun. I’m pretty exhausted most nights when I crash into bed. I love my students and the lady working with me in my room. And as challenging/exhausting as it is… I sure do love working with little ones again :)


Birthdays - I went back to visit family the weekend before last. And the primary reason for doing so was to attend my niece’s birthday party. And of course, I asked her to recreate a past b’day party picture with me :)

Teaching - Have I mentioned that it’s hard? :) Because it is. I love my students and want to be the best teacher I can be for them. They deserve it. And I am truly grateful for this opportunity I’ve been given to teach them. But yes, it’s hard and exhausting and at the same time, 100% worth it.

Gift - My mom gave me a special gift for my birthday. It’s her cedar chest, which belonged to her mom before her. It’s such a special, sentimental gift that I wasn’t expecting and means the world to me. 

Creativity/Flexibility - Two characteristics Special Ed teachers definitely need to have… Sometimes they’re helpful when needing to change your schedule or activity on the fly due to the needs of your students. And sometimes they’re helpful when helping one friend control a somewhat distracting behavior. You just have to be willing to go with the flow and adjust as needed.

Curbside Pickup - I doubt I’ll ever use it for groceries. I like picking out my own food. But for other stuff? Curbside pickup is a game changer. Had a long tiring day at work leaving your feet screaming because they’re swollen and hurting (hello old injuries, I see you.)? Running a few errands on a Saturday and needing to pick up a few things but you don’t want to walk in Walmart because somehow you almost Always end up spending a bit more than you intend. Well, you’re in luck. 😜

Mail - One of my aunts is amazing about send cards with handwritten notes to people. She considers it her ministry and it truly is one. It’s so very encouraging. And I have always loved doing the same. And now that I’m back in the US, with its much more reliable mail, I can do the same. I’m loving it!

Salad - I love salads. I always have. But for the last 10 years, I couldn’t really enjoy them like I’d prefer. It was just too complicated in Senegal. By the time you’d go to the grocery store and the veggie stand, bleach your veggies so they’d be safe to eat, then prep the salad, it just took so long. So by the time I finally finished, I almost didn’t even want the salad. That’s why anytime I was back in the US for a visit, I’d try to find a place with a good salad bar. Anywho - After working in my classroom a bit one day this weekend, I was exploring a new part of town and saw this place. Y’all… It was so so good! I’ll definitely be back!

Jesus and Naps - I saw the image below on Facebook the other day and saved it because it’s so true…

Church - I visited a new church yesterday. Y’all, it’s hard starting over. Finding a new church is hard for me too. For the last 15ish years, anytime I was in the US and attending church, it was either because I was speaking for my missions fundraising, because I was attending my home base church, or because I was visiting family and attending their churches. So to go into a new church, one where it’s pretty likely that I won’t know anyone, is hard. I really enjoyed this church though. And while I may still look around a bit more, I felt so incredibly welcomed there. And I loved the service - the worship, the preaching, the whole atmosphere. 


 That’s about it for my scattered brain today. 

What about you?

 What’s on your mind today?  


  1. So glad you can enjoy your salads again- yeah!

  2. That salad looks yummy; I love a good salad! Good luck with the new school year. Teaching is hard but it really is such an important job.

  3. Oh babe!! I LOVE watching God move in your life.
    Wow! All the stuff is amazing. I am going proud of you. ♥️♥️
