Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What’s Up August

       Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for August’s What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Can you believe August is almost over? That means this year is half over at this point! Wow, time is flying! Isn’t it?!

Anywho, on with today’s post.

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.

So let's get started...

What am I eating?

I kept my meal prep for this week easy and went with what I’m dubbing as grown up lunchables. Super simple, super cheap, and super tasty :)

What am I reminiscing about?

This group… Many of them started college this week, which just boggles my mind. Some of them are starting jobs. They’re scattered all over the globe, in so many different countries, and to say I’m proud is an understatement. What a gift it was to work with them for so long, to see so many of them learn and grow over the years, and now to watch from afar as they enter this big ol’ world as high school grads. I’m so happy to be working with little guys again. But these “big kids” will always always have a piece of my heart!

What am I loving?

I got to see the last remnants of the sunrise yesterday morning as I left for work. While I do miss my less than 5 minute walk to work that I’ve had the last decade plus, I must admit, this view on my drive is pretty amazing. I love it!

What have I been up to?

Trying to find a place to live, long-term. A friend has been so incredibly generous in allowing me to stay with her until I found a place of my own. And the Lord knows I am so very grateful for that. But I’m also ready to have my own place, too. So I’ve been making lots of calls, driving by a few places, sending emails, searching online, and doing lots of praying. I’m super close to possibly having a place. I’m going to fill out the application today after work and then drop it off tomorrow. 

What am I dreading?

Nothing comes to mind.

What am I working on?

Lesson plans, fun educational activities, all sorts of life skills tasks, and more paperwork than you could imagine… Teaching this year is definitely far more difficult than I originally thought it’d be. But I’m enjoying it. And yes, as the picture shows, I’ll be teaching one friend to tie his shoes. We’re so close too! He’s almost got it. And this cute little felt shoe is helping so I’m glad I found it :)

 What am I excited about?

I get to see my Mama this weekend. Yay for living in America again where we get the day off for Labor Day!

What am I watching?

My students are obsessed with Pete the Cat so typically during lunch and snack (both of which we eat in the room), I typically turn on a YouTube read aloud of one or two of the Pete the Cat books. Y’all, they seriously love watching these! Anywho, I found this activity book at Walmart the other day, for super cheap, so I bought it, with the plan to make copies of various lessons and/or activities my crew could handle. So fun!

What am I reading?

I’ve been reading a lot in the book of Psalms. I’ve appreciated the reminders from long ago highlighted passages that God uses to teach me lessons sometimes…

What am I listening to?

All the Jack Hartmaan songs… If you’re not sure who he is, look him up. I typically have one of his songs stuck in my head the majority of the day. Good Morning Song, 12 months of the year, the Alphabet Dance, etc. Ha! 

What am I wearing?

I got these shoes last week. They’re super comfy and cute too. And they don’t hurt my feet, even after wearing them all day long, something I can’t say about most pairs of shoes. So I’m happy with them!

 What am I doing this weekend?

It’s a 3 day weekend, thanks to Labor Day being on Monday. So I’m going to my mom’s house after school on Friday. The rest of the weekend will be spent packing, spending time with family, eating some food I didn’t have to cook for a change, and hopefully relaxing a bit too. I’ll also more than likely need to do a little lesson planning or other teaching prep at some point. We’ll see how much I can get done after school each day the rest of this week, though. Maybe I won’t have too much left over…

What am I looking forward to next month?

Labor Day, of course :)

Favorite recent Amazon find?


What's new this month?

I haven’t ordered much. I’ve been trying not to spend much at all, to be honest. I haven’t had a paycheck since the beginning of June. Then I’ve had to save money for a car and a place to live as well, so spending has gone way way down, for sure!

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month? 


  1. Your grown up lunchables look so tasty! Good luck on your search for a new place to live. My parents just got an offer on their house up here and are moving to North Carolina so they've started house hunting and just listening to their stories stresses me out. So many logistics need to fall into place just right... I hope they do for you real soon!!

  2. I hope you have a fabulous school year! I love adult lunchables!
