Happy Thursday Y'all
Today, I'm joining Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. ...even if I’m a day late on the fun :)

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
What am I eating?
Today was Thanksgiving and I had all sorts of delicious goodness for lunch. And I even brought home leftovers for a late dinner!
What am I reminiscing about?
On this day, exactly 3 years ago, I wrote THIS blog post, in which I shared about a dream God had placed on my heart. It was a dream to reach a group of kids who had no other schooling option in our country. It was a dream to "speak up for the speechless." It was a dream to teach a truly incredible group of kids.
On this day, exactly 3 years ago, I wrote THIS blog post, in which I shared about a dream God had placed on my heart. It was a dream to reach a group of kids who had no other schooling option in our country. It was a dream to "speak up for the speechless." It was a dream to teach a truly incredible group of kids.
What am I loving?
I have enjoyed softball season's arrival. It's a nice way to spend a Saturday here in Dakar. I love watching baseball anyway. But we don't have baseball here - just softball... Anywho - I'm loving watching our teams play. I'm loving the cool breezes that come from being so close to the ocean. I'm loving time with friends. And I'm just loving having such a nice way to spend part of my day each Saturday.

What have I been up to?
Last week, I went to a fancy dinner/party in celebration of Independence Day for the home country of one of my students. It's always fun to dress up and head to a swanky party for the evening. Plus, the relationship building was huge! I feel so blessed to be here, doing what I'm doing, with these incredible kids!
What am I dreading?
Nothing that I can think of...
Nothing that I can think of...
What am I working on?
Finishing up my last few assignments in the class I’m taking... Even if that means projecting a fun movie on the wall to give me background noise while I work :)

What am I excited about?
Seeing one of my kiddos included in our school’s Turkey Bowl (American football) was pretty exciting. And his excitement level leading up to, during, and after this event was so incredibly high. I loved it!
What am I watching?
I had people over a couple weekends ago, to watch the new (ish) Lion King movie. It was a good one. I mean, I'm not sure anything can truly beat the original animated goodness from my childhood. But still... It was, indeed, a good movie. :)

I had people over a couple weekends ago, to watch the new (ish) Lion King movie. It was a good one. I mean, I'm not sure anything can truly beat the original animated goodness from my childhood. But still... It was, indeed, a good movie. :)
What am I reading?
I checked out a stack of books this past week, with the hopes of tackling them during Thanksgiving Break. Two down... Three to go..

What am I listening to?I checked out a stack of books this past week, with the hopes of tackling them during Thanksgiving Break. Two down... Three to go..
Christmas music, of course :)
What am I wearing?
I wore these super cute red pointy toed shoes to an event a couple weeks ago. They're not ones I’ll wear often, due to the sand and the nature of my job. But when I get the chance to do so, I will. They’re just so fun!
What am I doing this weekend?
It's Thanksgiving Break. I made the difficult decision to not go with my Drama Team, due to various reasons. One main one being the need to stay back and put in a couple days of work in my classroom.
It's Thanksgiving Break. I made the difficult decision to not go with my Drama Team, due to various reasons. One main one being the need to stay back and put in a couple days of work in my classroom.
But I will be praying throughout the weekend for our 80+ students and staff who are in a town about 600km away, working with a Senegalese church and school, spreading the Gospel through a variety of ways.
What am I looking forward to next month?
Christmas - And all the fun that comes with it... There will be Christmas activities in class. We'll have the big Drama Christmas Program my students have been working on. I'll get to watch all of my students in their various Christmas plays/concerts. There will be Christmas parties/activities with friends. And of course, there will be Christmas vacation (which brings on no alarm clock). And last, but definitely not least, there will be Christmas, itself, which will bring about lots and lots of extra time with my family in the USA.
What else is new?
Not a lot...
Not a lot...
Except, the truth of the image below, especially knowing I can be like that person for the next three days :)
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?
What are YOU up to this month?