Monday, April 1, 2019

Growing in Gratitude

Happy Monday Y'all

I'm scheduling this post to be published automatically. And by the time it goes "live," I'll be somewhere in the air, flying from Senegal back to my sweet home Alabama for a quick vacation of sorts. 

Want to know what I've been grateful for lately?

I was grateful for a fabulous field trip with some of my favorites.

Image may contain: 8 people, including Elisabeth Nichols, Emmanuel Perrin and Michelle Walker, people smiling, people standing

I was also grateful for an awesome lady subbing for me 4 days last week, so I could attend our AGWM Conference/Retreat. I was also grateful (as I am every single other day) for the incredible lady who works in the room with me/my students (who can be seen in the picture above). I definitely couldn't have rested like I did this week, if it would not have been for knowing these two ladies were there.

And speaking of the AGWM Conference/Retreat...

I'm grateful for time with friends. I'm thankful for times of laughter and late night chats. I'm thankful for playing games even if we were all too "blind" to see the cards so late at night. I'm thankful for swapping stories and for sharing prayer requests and praise reports, as well.

I'm grateful for lessons and workshops and sermons.

I'm grateful for a hotel with an amazing pool, which is where I spent my free time, sitting and reading a book or studying (when I wasn't napping, that is).

I'm grateful for the cooking staff at that hotel who made the most amazingly delicious food for every single meal, 3 meals a day. 

I'm grateful for the Assemblies of God World Missions Department. I'm thankful for the support, love, and encouragement they give their workers. I'm thankful to be a part of this incredible organization. 

And outside of the Conference/Retreat...

I'm grateful for good books and time to actually read them.

I'm grateful for the gift of a trip to the US.

Image result for sweet home alabama sign

I'm grateful for time with my favorites which will be happening in just a few hours (from the time this post goes "live").

Image may contain: 6 people, including Debra Nichols, Victoria Payton Nichols and Elisabeth Nichols, people smiling, people sitting, closeup and indoor

What about you?

What are you grateful for?


Today I'm joining Julie from Fall into Life for her monthly Growing in Gratitude link-up, where bloggers share a bit of gratitude each month.

My Post-2.jpg 

And in case you missed my previous month's posts...

You can click below to read them.

February - My Why

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