Monday, May 6, 2019

Gratitude for Lessons Learned

Happy Monday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Julie from Fall into Life for her monthly Growing in Gratitude link-up, where bloggers share a bit of gratitude each month. 

My Post-2.jpg 

And today, I'm sharing gratitude for a few lessons God's been teaching me lately. 

Things like...

I need to have FAITH over FEAR.

Fear is something I've struggled with a long time. I was scared to death of monsters that might be hiding in my closet or under my bed. And to this day, I'm absolutely terrified of storms, due to seeing firsthand the utter destruction that can be brought on by a tornado or a hurricane. Oh my, and don't get me started on driving in hard rain. Major, major fear in my heart if that happens...

But I'm finding myself turning more and more to His Word when I feel fear gripping my heart. And I'm finding myself less and less gripping that fear. And that, in itself, is such an incredibly HUGE thing for me.

I need to TRUST in the PROVISIONS of GOD.

God will provide. I've seen it so many times in the lives of my family and friends, in my own life, and in my ministry (as a missionary and as a teacher). So, when hard times come and I'm in need of something - healing, finances, dealing with a dilemma at work, relationships with loved ones, anything - I can know and trust that my God will provide. He will always provide.

When my ENERGY is low, I need to GO TO GOD.

I need to remember that I can't do my best in my ministry, or even in my life, in general, if I'm all dried up. I need to continually go to the living water - to God - to fill me back up. I need to remember Isaiah 44:3, which says, "For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit on your descendants and my blessing on your offspring."

Teaching at a Christian school is a gift.

We recently had our annual Youth Group Retreats (for both High School and Middle School) and Elementary Camp (for Elementary School). During these times, we sponsors are able to have fun with our students. But more than that, we are able to present a Gospel message to them. We are able to pour into the lives of these students, sharing the love of our Savior with them.

Home doesn't necessarily mean the place in which you were born.

For people who have moved a lot, the word "home" is a hard one to define. It can be so many places, and things, and people. It may be the country of your birth. Or it might be the country in which you serve as a missionary. Home can be so many things to so many people. 

Cherish the good memories. 

Grief is a hard thing to deal with. Sometimes, it's just a dull presence in the background of my mind/heart, maybe even without me even thinking about it. Then other times, it's like a big wave in the ocean, crashing and knocking my feet out from under me. But no matter what, I am consistently reminded to cherish the good memories - to look back on the good memories and smile.

Even though I may not see it now, I am making a difference.

This time of the year in teaching is sometimes tough. There is a LOT going on at the end of the year. So it's easy to get bogged down and frustrated and feel like we're not doing well - that we're not making a difference. But we are. We really are.

And then, to end on a far less serious note...

Watching kids with glowstick glasses can make for quite the fun afternoon :) 

Image may contain: 14 people, people smiling 


And in case you missed my previous month's posts...

You can click below to read them.

February - My Why

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