Saturday, April 7, 2012

The 7th Dear ______ Post

Dear Krispy Kreme Donuts, When I saw that signature Krispy Kreme sign in the London airport, I knew I just had to have you. All week I thought about your glazed goodness. And finally on Wednesday, the day we left for Dakar, I got to buy a half-dozen of you. I carefully rationed them, even sharing with a friend. Man, you were an awesome treat! :)

Dear Cold ( in sickness, not temperature), You are one souvenir from my London trip that I wish I'd lost. Runny nose, sore throat, coughing...ugh! not fun! 

Dear Flip Flops, I am so so so so happy to be reunited with you again! You are definitely my top choice of footwear.  

Dear Pillow, I know you were sad to be without me for a whole week. I'm sorry to have left you behind. Know that you were definitely missed. I even brought you with me to the beach for the missions retreat I'm on right now. No hotel pillow can ever measure up to your awesomeness. :)

Dear Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) Missionaries in West Africa, Thanks for inviting us American AG-ers on your retreat. These past few days have been just the spiritual refreshment that I was needing. It's so great to get together with fellow missionaries and Jesus-lovers and worship the One who created us. I love this!

Dear Book of Philippians, I am learning so much from you. It always amazes me to read about Paul - what he went through and all the while, he was still praising God. He still had joy. I could definitely learn a thing or two from him. 

Dear Professional Development, Can I be honest for a second and say how I truly feel? "UGHHHHHHH!" Yep, that's how I feel. After a 2 week long vacation (Spring Break), to have to come back and sit in meetings all day... Being honest, I'm just sooooo not looking forward to you.

Dear Lesson Planning, I am so so so glad I did you before leaving for London. It was so nice to open my plan book and see full pages. There's one thing I can check off my To Do List. :) 

Dear Easter, You are tomorrow. I get so overwhelmed to think that God gave the ultimate sacrifice. He gave His only Son for us. Did we deserve it? No. Did that matter? No. Yet, He still did it. Thank you God for your sacrifice. Thank you for giving me, someone who definitely does NOT deserve it, the chance of having eternal life with YOU. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for loving me.


  1. I also brought a souvenir cold back from's all those public handholds you have to grab on the Tube. Yuck!

    1. That's what I told somebody yesterday. ...too much public transport. That was my problem :)
