Friday, May 11, 2012

The 12th Dear __________ Post

Dear Mama, Tomorrow's Mother's Day. I don't know where to begin in thanking you. You have been the best mother, role model, friend, confidant, EVERYTHING, to me. I couldn't have hand-picked a better mother. You're my best friend, my shoulder to cry on (even when we're separated by an ocean), my rock to lean on. I pray that one day I can be just half the mother you are. I love you and thank you so very much for the godly example you've shown me my entire life. You're my hero. You're my mom.

Dear Haircut, Your shortness shocked me a little at first. But I so love you! You make my life easier and cooler.

Dear EDM 510 Final Exam, You were a doozy. I was so nervous going into you. I'd studied and studied and studied for you, but still didn't feel ready. But while you were definitely hard, finishing you with a score of 92 made this girl happy, happy, happy! :)

Dear Less than a Month, That's how long it is before I see my family. And I am soooooo ready!

Dear Little League Baseball, My school just started you. I got to watch the tail end of the practice this past week. Oh my word! ...BEST THING EVER! :) funny!

Dear President Obama, I realize you and I haven't agreed on a lot of things. ...especially your latest admission. I don't understand how you can call yourself a Christian and support something that is clearly a sin. And Sir, the Bible says I'm supposed to respect those in authority over me, so I will respect you. But I can guarantee I won't be voting for you.

Dear Roller Coaster of Life, I'm on you right now, or so it feels. It seems like as soon as I get to the top of you and all is going well, something comes along and pushes me hard to the bottom. I'm not going to lie. It's not easy. I sometimes feel like I'm struggling so hard that I can't get my head above water. BUT with that said, Roller Coaster, I will conquer you. I am working to get back to the top slowly but surely. And you know what, I'm going to be happy whether I'm at the top or the bottom. So take that Roller Coaster of Life!

Dear Hot Season, You stink! I don't like you one bit. Why? 1) incredibly high temps 2) incredibly high humidity 3) power cuts. ...not to mention how H - O - T it is! Boo to hot season! :(

Dear 32, You are the number of pounds I've lost since January. ...which is AWESOMENESS, just sayin'. :)

Dear 2, You are the number of sizes I've gone down. Can I just say that that feels so incredibly awesome?! :) I can? Good. That feels so incredibly awesome! :)

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