Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Why a post on randomness? Well, I'm feeling the need to write, but would like it to be something semi-brainless so my frazzled mind doesn't have to think so much... :) So without further ado here is one of those surveys you see on Facebook...

‎1. A job I want to have when I'm older: I'm already fulfilling 2 of my dream jobs - teacher and missionary in Africa. But I would like to one day work in/help run an orphanage. AND I'd also like to be a wife and mommy :)

2: My favorite book: I rarely have time to read for fun. BUT I did just finish The Circle Maker and LOVED it! 

3: A random fact about myself: i went to 10 different schools from Kindergarten through 12th grade 

4: A description of my self-esteem: um... it's been better. 

5: My relationship(s) with my sibling(s): We get along really well and are pretty close... pretty nice if you ask me...especially since we're a few thousand miles and an ocean away from each other :)

6: Relationship status: single

7: A map of my day yesterday: I woke up at 5 to go walking. Go me! :) ...came back, got ready, had breakfast and did my morning devo, went to work, taught all day, came home, took a nap, ate supper, watched an episode of survivor, killed time on facebook, called my mom to cry "on her shoulder" about a situation i'm going through, read most of Proverbs, went to bed

8: My big plans for today? umm...the day's almost over. but my biggest plan for today was to find a way to get my students to understand adding American coins.

9: What I'm doing tomorrow: wake up at 5 & go walking, then work, meeting with one of my student's parent, work/eat supper in my classroom, small group/bible study, sleep

10: Most recent embarrassing moment: trying to say "pennies" to my 1st graders and accidentally saying "panties" ...yeah, 9 six year olds - imagine the immature giggling and comments :)

11: What I last ate/drank: dirty rice and salad...and water

12: Biggest pet peeve: people crunching ice 

13: Plans for my weekend: a day off from school friday (early weekend - woohoo!), movie night (The Vow) with staff ladies Fri. night, party for one of my kids Sat. morning, fine arts festival Sat. night, church Sun. morning, A/G mission dinner Sun. night

14: Most recent accomplishment: losing weight - 32 pounds since Jan. - go me! :)

15: Bedtime: between 9:30 and 10 usually

16: Wakeup time: dark and early - 5:00

17: Last thing you bought: lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers from the veggie stand

18: Last piece of advice you got: Just give it to God. I know that's easier said than done, but you just have to do it.

19: Favorite Movie: The Notebook

20: Something you miss: when I was a kid and life was super easy and Mom and Dad took care of everything :)

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