Saturday, May 5, 2012

The 11th Dear _______ Post

Dear Friends That Let Me Watch Their Kids While They Were Gone,  I'm not sure if you'll see this, but thanks for trusting me with your children. Someone told me this week to consider it an honor for someone to trust you with their children. And I definitely do. Thanks for giving me the chance to hang out with them, to get to chat with them, to get to know them even better. I loved it! You have awesome kids and I really enjoyed myself!

Dear Chipwrecked, You are the third Chipmunks movie. I watched you this past Sunday. You were quite hilarious! I love a good kids' movie every now and then. It's fun to just sit back and laugh like a kid :)

Dear Bed, Oh how I've missed you this past week and a half while I was staying at a friend's house. I was so happy to be reunited with you Thursday that I went to bed at 8:00.  ...or maybe that was because I was so tired. Either way, I'm happy to be back home and in my own bed. :)

Dear Hair, I'm considering cutting you. But every time I make up my mind to set up an appointment, I chicken out again. Who would've ever thought that I, eternal loather of long hair, would consider not cutting my hair? :) Decisions, decisions...

Dear "I'm in the Lord's Army," I sang you in Children's Church when I was growing up and loved you! You were such a fun song back then and I remember all of us kids loving when that would be on the Children's Church Worship line-up. So, imagine my delight when my first graders fell in love with you too! :)

Dear 2011-2012 School Year, You are almost over. It's hard to believe that. It seems like time has just flown by. I've really enjoyed you and the students you brought into my life. It's a bittersweet feeling right now. I'm happy and excited to be getting closer to summer vacation but at the same time, I'm sad to be leaving my kiddos. :)

Dear Sorting and Packing, I'm not looking forward to you. I've got a zillion other things to do that are soooo much more fun. But alas, I don't have a choice. I have to start working on you soon. P.S. Did you realize that SORT and PACK (oh, and MOVE too) are all 4-letter words. Just sayin'...

Dear The Long Run, I just finished reading you. You were an amazing book that tells an incredibly inspiring story. ...which I would recommend to anyone to read. ( to anyone reading this blog post: If you like "good guy overcoming incredible obstacles" type stories, you'd love this book!)

Dear EDM 510 Final Exam, I have to take you this week. Please be kind to me.

Dear Frustration, I've found a new way to combat you. I saw someone post on Facebook that you should always turn your frustration into a prayer. So that's what I'm doing. The minute I feel frustrated over something (or even someone), I immediately pray about it. It's "funny" how quickly my mood can change after that.

Dear Colorful Bags and Fabrics Available in Dakar, You make for nice shopping trips and beautiful photo ops too. :)


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