Saturday, June 14, 2014

The 111th Dear Post

Dear Leaving Dakar, I knew you'd be hard. I just didn't realize how hard exactly you'd be. Saying goodbye to friends that have become like family...not knowing when (or if) I'd see them again...was so difficult. I'm sure the people traveling with me saw my red, puffy, sad eyes, mind thought something was wrong with me. 

Dear New Adventure, You're what God's called me on. While it was hard to leave Dakar, I know it's for the best. Why? ...because God's called me on a new adventure. I'm looking forward to see what all He has planned for my life in the coming time in the States and new term back in Dakar.

Dear Job Interviews, I only thought you were difficult via Skype while I was in Dakar. Ha!! Sitting in an interview watching these people write note after note, while I answer typical "textbook" style questions, is so incredibly nerve-racking! And the wait... I hate the wait! I just wish they'd let me know something one way or the other...

Dear Willow, You are one month old today! I was so happy to meet you the day I landed! You are absolutely beautiful and perfect and I'm so blessed to be your aunt :)

Dear Family, It's so nice being back with you all. I love visiting my brother, sister-in-law, and nieces. I love eating meals, running errands, and spending time with my parents. I love just being here.

Dear Jet Lag, For the first time ever I think, you have not affected me. And that's good, since I had to be up early the next morning for church and I had three job interviews this week. ...not to mention all the errands I've had to run this week, involving more driving than I ever dreamed of doing on my first week back :)

Dear Home Cooked Meals, I'm definitely enjoying you! My mom is such an awesome cook y'all!

Dear Scheduling Services, I'm so ready to get you started. Once I have this meeting that's scheduled later this coming week, I can get you underway. Let's get this budget raised!

Dear Ladies Brunch at Church, You're where I'm headed this morning. And I get to bring my aunt with me. So double bonus on that! 

Dear Cheb, You're what I'm craving. I wonder where the closest Senegalese restaurant is...  :)

Dear Texas, Thanks to some airline miles I have, I'm taking a "free" trip next month to visit my good friend that lives in your state. I'm looking forward to seeing her, and maybe another friend too. And I'm looking forward to visiting a new part of my own country I've never visited before.

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