Monday, February 9, 2015

The 130th Dear ____ Post

Dear State Capitol, I got to visit you for the first time last week. What a fun, informative field trip! The kids all loved it. And the teachers did too!

Dear ALSOM (Berean), I completed one more class with you Saturday. Thanks for being available. Thanks for providing me the chance to hear a teacher teach the information in our text, and to hear the opinions, ideas, and interpretations of my peers. 

Dear Old Testament Survey, You're my next class. I'm looking forward to digging in to your textbook this week.

Dear An Hour, You're how long I spent on the phone Saturday with a friend I hadn't talked to in quite a while. I, the eternal loather of phone calls, loved it though! It was so nice to catch up!

Dear Senegal, You've been on my mind a lot lately. I'm praying for you.

Dear Children's Church, I got to visit you yesterday. And I'll be teaching you once a month (each BGMC Sunday) starting in March. I can't wait :)

Dear Love, I see the amount of you shared by my parents and it makes me smile. 

Dear Patience, You're a difficult lesson to learn/remember sometimes :)

Dear Wow, You're what I thought after hearing two teenagers share the Word of God last night in church. Thank you Jesus for kids who aren't afraid of sharing Your Word! I loved it!

Dear Sundays, You may be long, but I so love you!

Dear Joy Unspeakable by Todd Agnew, You're such a great song!

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