Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What's Up April

It's now time for April's What's Up Wednesday post. Aren't you excited?! :)

*Linkup with Mel, Shay, Shay, and Sheaffer

Every month we answer the same questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. The questions are...

What am I eating this week?

I've been on a salad kick lately. So pretty much every single lunch and dinner that I've made myself has either had salad as the main dish or a side dish. I really do love salads. It's the things that accompany the salads that become a problem :)

What am I reminiscing about? 

The other night I went out for dinner with a friend and had a coke with my meal. When I saw the name on the coke can, it kind of surprised me how much it caught me by surprise. It was the name of one of my most memorable students. I remember the day he left going back to his home country. I remember taking the picture below with him and then putting on my sunglasses after he walked away because I didn't want anyone to see I'd been crying. I even wrote about the picture on my blog later that evening. My biggest prayer has been that the love of Jesus that I knew he had at that point somehow stuck with him. Memories are nice, but sometimes... Sometimes they're hard.

What am I loving?

I'm loving having a class that is loving reading! How's that for a sentence?! :) Seriously these kids love to read. Score 1 for 4th graders! :)

What have I been up to?

I'm trying to find new and exciting ways to make learning fun. If it takes throwing around a pink ball with letters all over it, then so be it. Whatever it takes y'all... :)

What am I dreading?

Lately, I've been dreading going outside because I'm afraid it's going to be another day full of inhaling the not-so-awesome dust that covers the sky and paints it brown...

What am I working on? 

I bought a copy of The One Year Bible this past December, with the intention of reading and journaling through it this year. Yeah, that didn't happen. I instead read through the book of James. Then it was the book of Acts. And while I thoroughly enjoyed and learned from doing that. I decided that I'm going to try to follow this "plan" from here on out.

What am I excited about?

We have a 3 day weekend coming up! Woohoo! :)

What am I watching?

A friend told me about some videos I could watch in my quest to learn a little ASL. Oh my word, I feel like my 1 1/2 and 3 1/2 year old nieces would be quicker than me at this. It is so hard. But hey, I can sign numbers up to 20 and my ABCs and a few basic words now. And I'll keep watching the videos and practicing. And I'm hoping to spend even more time this summer working on it since I'll have a little more free time then...

What am I reading?

The books for my last 6 Berean (Global University/AG Licensing Classes) came in the other day. It looks like I'll have plenty of reading material to last me for the next 6 months (how long we're given to complete these classes).

What am I listening to?

This week is the 101st Alabama Assemblies of God District Council. So I've been streaming most of their services live (here). What a blessing to be a part of this fabulous group of men and women!

What am I wearing?

I wore my newly made skirt yesterday. Yay for homemade skirts that fit :)

Clearly I need to work on my clothing "selfies." 

What am I doing this weekend?

I'm going to the beach with some friends this weekend. I'm looking forward to sleeping late, hanging out with friends, catching up on reading, and watching the sunset over the ocean.

What am I looking forward to next month?

My class is currently prepping for our 4th Grade's Chapel service in May. They're loving the practices for it and so am I :)

Also, the 3rd grade teacher and I are planning a combined field trip for our kiddos next month. We're having a blast just with the planning of it. So I know they'll have a blast while there! I can't wait!

What else is new?

I'm trying to master the art of patience. FYI - It's not easy.

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