Thursday, February 1, 2018


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I need to make a confession (or two)

I must confess... I had a cupcake for breakfast yesterday morning. And y'all... I know it was an unhealthy choice. But boy oh boy was it good :)

I must confess... I hate washing dishes. Seriously... Washing dishes is my least favorite household chore. I promise you that I would prefer cleaning my bathroom (toilets included) over washing dishes. And yes, I do realize that is a bit crazy.

I must confess... I'm homesick. I love what I do here. I'm glad to be here, following the call God's placed on my life. I wouldn't give that up for anything right now. But y'all... I miss my mom. 

I must confess... I had a rare afternoon off yesterday where I didn't have anywhere I had to be right after school. And even though I could've gone home and rested or read or just relaxed, I just sat at work and prepped for the rest of the week, knowing I'd have to stay late tomorrow. 

I must confess... I mentioned it in yesterday's What's Up February post, but I'm praying for a miracle in terms of a vehicle this summer, while I'm in the States. I once heard a missionary co-worker say that she had someone just loan her a car for the summer. I can't fathom that. But man oh man, would it be awesome to experience :)

I must confess... The temp's lately have been quite low. I don't know if I can remember them ever being this low here in Dakar. I'm definitely not complaining, though. It's much nicer to bundle up than to sweat.

I must confess... It semi bothers me that this post was random hodgepodge mix of stuff and not anything serious. But at the same time, typing out the randomness of life is sometimes a brain break. Does that make sense?

And lastly... 

I must confess... I hope whomever (whoever?) reads my blog posts enjoy them. Shout out to my mom! :) I've got some big, new ideas for my blog and I have lots of posts started in my mind. And those do include a bit more serious posts and less of the fluff kind. 


Today I'm joining Amanda for her monthly Confessions link-up, where on the first Thursday of each month, we come together for a little fun and confess whatever we want. It's meant to be light-hearted and fun. Want to play along? Click Amanda's name above and join the fun.

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