Thursday, December 5, 2019


 Happy Thursday Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each
month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

December's prompts are...

  * wrapping *  baking * lighting * sending * enjoying *

I'm currently wrapping up prep on semester exams. This week, we're working through our last few new lessons. Next week, we'll wrap those up and then start on exam review. And then the following week will be Exam Week.

This'll be me in just a couple weeks :)

I'm currently baking nothing. However, next week, I will be doing a lot of baking. We have the Kids Club party, our class party, and a Drama Team dinner, as well.

I'm currently lighting
the tree in my classroom each morning when I get to school. I so love Christmas lights. And while I won't decorate at home since I won't be home for Christmas, I will totally decorate my classroom. Ah, I so love Christmas lights and decorations and all of that :)

I'm currently sending New Year's cards (or at least, I will in another couple weeks) to family and missions supporters. Since I just sent out a missions update letter, I thought it might be a bit soon to send a Christmas card. Therefore, the idea for a New Year's card seemed like a good one :)

I'm currently enjoying the anticipation of the arrival of Christmas. I love how excited my students are. I love getting to do so many Christmas crafts with my younger students. I love seeing their joy over the sparkling lights on the tree. I especially love teaching in a Christian school at this time of year, allowing me to share about the TRUE meaning of Christmas. I just love it all. Christmas is such a fun time of year!

And since it’s my blog, and I can, here are a few more Currentlys :)

I'm currently feeling ready to see my nieces (and the rest of my family, too, of course) again. Ah, I can't wait! :)

  I'm currently finishing up the assignments for my class. Everything is due next Tuesday. And then I'll be finished for a month. As much as I love learning and researching and all of that, I must say... I'll definitely be glad when I have a break from being in student mode.

Ok, so I've started them, obviously. But I still thought this was funny :)

I'm currently reading through the book of Luke in the days leading up to Christmas. I'm reading a chapter a night and journaling through that. And I must say, I really am enjoying it. 

  So what about you?

What are your currently up to?


  1. Kids make the anticipation and activities of the holiday season so fun, don't they? I love having a 6-year-old around my house for that. And I love having Christmas tree lights around too - how fun that you can share that bit of holiday spirit with your classroom :)

  2. I used to put up Christmas lights in my classroom too!

    1. Isn't it so much fun? It totally brightens my mood :)
