Wednesday, January 1, 2020


 Happy New Year

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each
month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

January's prompts are...

  * resolving *  reading * cleaning * creating * planning*

I'm currently resolving to do better at self-care this year. I know that's a term people toss around a lot. But I'm realizing it's definitely needed. I work a lot. And I am responsible for a lot of things outside of the classroom, as well. And because of that, I have a tendency to ignore myself as I get so busy focusing on the work at hand. So this year, I'm planning to do better at that. In fact, my word of the year, which I'll write more about later, is going to be CARE. And while a big part of that will be the care of others... It will also include taking care of myself.

I'm currently reading a stack of books. Or rather, I will be later today and tomorrow. I have 2 long layovers and 3 flights. So I’m looking at all that travel time as a blessing, knowing it’ll give me the opportunity to relax, sit with my feet propped up, and read or write while I wait.

I'm currently cleaning out my pictures on my phone. I took so many over the Break. I love the memories associated with each and every one. The Break was short, for sure. But it was so very sweet :)

I'm currently creating nothing, to be honest. But I am writing more. So who knows what creativity might be showcased soon? ;) 

I'm currently planning to be healthier in 2020. Healthier physically, of course. But I also want to better my mind and better myself, spiritually, as well. I want to spend far more time reading and studying God’s Word. I plan to better myself, all around. I plan for 2020 to be my year!

And since it’s my blog, and I can, here are a few more Currentlys :)

I'm currently flying back to Senegal. It's been a nice Christmas Break in my sweet home Alabama. But it's time to get back to the work God's called me to do. I'm flying out of Alabama this morning and I'll land in Senegal tomorrow night.

I'm currently thinking back to this book about the life of Lillian Trasher, who went to Egypt, with basically nothing in her pockets, all to follow the call of God on her life. She started an orphanage that saw (has seen) thousands of children loved and cared for over the years. And y’all... She had more faith than anyone I’ve ever met. This book stirred something in my heart and it reminded me of dreams God placed on my own heart years and years ago, but I gave up on along the way. It’s rekindled a fire in my heart that had been dormant for so long. This book was a good one!

I'm currently enjoying hearing my sweet nieces turning into such great readers. We spent a lot of time over the Break, reading books. 

I’m currently laughing at this Christmas book purchase I made for my classroom library. It is a funny addition that’s making me super excited for next Christmas to get here :)

I’m currently feeling ready to see this group of people again. Christmas Break is, indeed, wonderful. But I still miss my people :)

  So what about you?

What are your currently up to?


  1. Happy New Year! Self-care is important. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my life too. :)

  2. Happy New Year. I love your word for the year - very important. I think it's great that my nieces and nephew love to read too. :)


  3. Sounds like you had a good break - but I also hope that you have a good start to the New Year with your travels and your return to the classroom! Getting dedicated time with a big stack of books is the one good thing about long flights, I say ;-)

  4. Happy New Year! It looks like it was a fun trip back to Alabama. That book looks hysterical and my son would love it. I will have to look for it. LOL. Have fun with your new year!

  5. Cleaning out phone pictures is always something I need to do. I'm forever running out of space!
