Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday Talk

Happy Tuesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Ashley and Erika for their monthly Tuesday Talk link-up, where bloggers come together and talk about whatever is on our mind at the moment. 


Want to know what's on my mind today?


Yep, teaching.

Somehow time has sped by because I am about to start my 12th year of teaching. I love being a teacher. It's my passion. I joke that it's in my blood. But sometimes, I think that might just be true. I absolutely positively love teaching children. It fills my heart with joy. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it is what God has called me to do.

But even with all of that, I need to let you in on a little secret.

Teaching is not easy.

Teaching Special Education is not easy.

Teaching Special Education overseas is not easy.

It's hard, y'all.

And then, throw in a global pandemic and "not easy" becomes quite the understatement. 

Our school will be starting in-person, with certain COVID-precautions in place. 

I’m looking forward to starting a new year, to seeing my students again, and even to getting back into a routine again. But I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t at least a small bit of nervousness. There are so many unknowns associated with teaching in the midst of a pandemic.

If I let my brain wander too much, I start worrying about the unknowns...

* the health of my students

* the health of my co-workers and myself

* the necessary precautions making teaching a bit tricky

* wearing a mask all day long during the school day

* "policing" students, knowing they'll need to be wearing their masks most of the day

* the number of COVID cases/deaths steadily rising in Senegal

* travel restrictions from the mission

* the possibility (although unlikely) of returning to online learning at some point

* all the unknowns associated with COVID-19

And those are just the COVID-related concerns I deal with as a teacher here. That doesn't count the concerns I have for my family and friends back home. That doesn't count all the normal teaching stressors/worries that I usually have. 


And yes, imagine I actually did yell that because I'm trying to be emphatic ;)

I cannot let my brain go to those wonderings. 

I simply can't.

So when I find myself veering that way, I stop.

I focus on the good. 

I focus on how I've seen God working in the midst of the insanity lately. 

I focus on God's Word and the promises/Truth inside.

I focus on God, Himself.

I have learned to rely on Him to help me through the times of worry.

I have learned to trust Him in the midst of the unknowns.

And you know... At the end of the day, the unknowns are still going to be there. The scary times are still going to come. Changes to life and ministry and teaching and travel and everything else are still going to happen. And difficult situations will still arise.

And while they may, indeed, be difficult, there's nothing I can do about them.

But what I can do is control myself. 

I can control how I think.

I can control how I act.

I can control how I respond.

And that is actually a powerful thing.


 In case you missed the past few months' of Tuesday Talk posts, and you're curious, you can click on the link below to check it out.

January - Confidence

February - When God Gives A Girl A Brother

March - I Spy

April - Technology and Gratitude

 May - The 2019-2020 School Year

June - Forced Rest is Still Rest

July - * no post * 

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