Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hello Monday on a Tuesday

      Happy Monday Tuesday Y’all 

Today I'm joining Holly and Sarah, and a few other bloggers, for today's Hello Monday link-up, where we say Hello to Monday with a look at what's going on in our lives at the moment. However, per my usual, as of recently, I’m posting on Tuesday instead :)

 So what's on my mind?

A lot. But 'tis the norm with me, I suppose.

Things like...

4th of July - My brother, sister-in-law, and nieces came over. My mom made her delicious burgers. We made homemade ice cream. One of my nieces made the most delicious cookies. We sat around and talked and laughed and had a blast. And we ended the night with fireworks. It was such a special night. I so enjoyed being with my people, celebrating my country, and just enjoying the day, grateful for the opportunity to be here.

Homemade Peach Ice Cream - Y’all… It’s so good. And it reminds me of my Papa (my dad’s dad) who used to make it… I remember one year on my birthday, we just happened to be finishing up a family vacation (which was always to visit our family since we rarely lived close to family) and we visited Papa. He knew I loved all things peach and he made this peach ice cream and celebrated together. Such a special memory!

Setting Up My Classroom - That will start happening next week. I’ll be doing a bit next week, knowing the 3 weeks following will include lots of Professional Development/Inservice/Meeting times so what little free time I’ll have during the week will likely be taken up by lesson planning and potential IEP review/prep.

Mobile - I headed back down here yesterday. I have to head to the Central Office this morning to sign the last of my paperwork. I’ll also stop by my school to meet with my principal, too, to discuss student info and curriculum info so I know how to plan for my people.

Perk of This Trip to Mobile - Thankfully, I didn't have to go by myself. When I got the email the other day, telling me when my paperwork appointment would be, I asked my mom to go with me. Then, I thought, let’s make it an even bigger girls trip and texted my sister-in-law and asked if she and my nieces would like to come with us and we could stay an extra night and make it a fun little getaway. She said yes and we planned what we’d like to do while tog whether on the 4th. Y’all… Have I mentioned how much I’m loving being with family and knowing I am going to potentially have so much more family time now that I’m back in the US for good :)

Writing - I’ve had a writing project in mind for a long time, and I’m finally starting it. There’s something just so relaxing for me about putting pen (or pencil) to paper. I love it!

And that’s about it for my scattered brain today. 

What about you?

 What’s on your mind today?  

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