Monday, July 15, 2024

Hello Monday

      Happy Monday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Holly and Sarah, and a few other bloggers, for today's Hello Monday link-up, where we say Hello to Monday with a look at what's going on in our lives at the moment.

 So what's on my mind?

A lot. But 'tis the norm with me, I suppose.

Things like...

Girls Trip - It was so much fun. My mom, sister-in-law, and nieces joined me on my trip to Mobile last week. We spent a day at the beach. We shopped the clearance racks at a few stores. We ate yummy food. We laughed. We talked. We made fun memories. It was so nice!

Repacking - I’ve had to do this a bit. I’ve been living out of suitcases since coming back from Senegal last month. I’ve had to repack a few things I brought back with me (along with things I had stored at my mom’s house plus a few things I’ve bought along the way this summer) into bins that I’ll take to my classroom the next time I go. Then I’m packing/repacking a couple suitcases and a bin to take to the house of the lady I’ll be staying with until I find my own place. And I’ve also been trying to pack/repack a few things that I’ll leave at my mom’s for now and then take to my own apartment/house when that time comes, which I hope will be in the next couple months. I’m so very grateful to my mom and to the sweet lady allowing me to stay with her as well. But y’all… I’m so ready to be settled and to NOT be living out of a suitcase! So so ready!

Goodbyes - I hate them. I really do. And some are harder than others. Just saying.

Church - I’m looking forward to getting down to Mobile, visiting some churches and finding the one that’s the right fit for me. I told God when I came back that I wanted to be where He wanted me to be - not just where I feel comfortable or where it feels the easiest to attend. If that makes sense…

My Mama - I’ve loved having so much time with her this summer. And while I know we won’t be together as much once school starts, it’s so refreshing to know we’ll only be 3ish hours by car away versus 24ish hours by plane away. Plus, once I get my own place, she’ll be moving in with me. It’s a good thing we like each other a bit ;) 

Lemonade/Lemons - A friend shared the image below on Facebook the other day and I was like… Wow, if that’s not the most accurate view of exhaustion from burnout, I don’t know what is…

Alabama - It’s so hot and humid. It’s pretty much unbearable outside at the moment.  

So what's on your mind today?  


  1. Welcome home and the girls trip sounds like a blast!

  2. LOL; it's hot in Florida too. The AC in my office was out for over a month and we used that same meme to make light of it while we all melted.
