Sunday, June 3, 2012

The 15 1/2 Dear ______ Post ... A.K.A. The I'm Procrastinating From Packing Post

Dear Packing, You're so not fun. And I'll even go as far as to say that I HATE you. I'm just sayin'.

Dear Unpacking, I like you far more than your antonym. It's so much fun to unpack a suitcase, a box, anything... I love to be able to take my time, arrange things the way I want, decorate, etc. So right now, you, Unpacking, are what's getting me through the packing of my apartment.

Dear Sorting, I've been needing to do you for a while, but just haven't wanted to. You've been good for me though. It's been nice to go through things and decide what I should keep, what I should give away, what I should trash, etc. Yay for not having to move quite so much stuff! :)

Dear Hurt Toe, I received you when you decided to collide with the wheel on one of my suitcases. And oh my word, you hurt so bad!

Dear Memories, While packing up my apartment, I keep having you, Memories, hit me in the oddest things. ...a piece of paper, a book, even a t-shirt.

Dear Bruise on my Leg, I have no clue how I got you. And I guess since you're mad at me for having no memory of our first meeting, you're taking out your painful wrath on me because bruise, you hurt so bad!

Dear Empty Water Bottles, What is this? Am I storing up for a water shortage? How'd I collect so many of you by my bed? :)

Dear Tears, I've shed quite a few of you already. Wednesday is going to be hard for a few reasons. I keep telling myself it's bittersweet. But if I'm being honest, I'm having trouble focusing on the "sweet" part of the "bittersweet." Have I mentioned that I hate goodbyes?

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