Saturday, June 23, 2012

The 18th Dear _______ Post

Dear iTunes, Thank you for the awesome musical accompaniments to my long car rides this past week (and the rest of the summer). You really make the trip not seem quite so long. :)

Dear Frozen Lemonade From Burger King, You are amazingly good! I bought you on the way to Mobile this past Sunday. You are so refreshing on my hot drive.

...and speaking of a hot drive... 

Dear A/C in My Car, Why did you feel the need to stop working right before I got back to the States? Do you realize how hot an Alabama summer is? It’s pretty close to an African summer actually. And oh my word, it’s pretty hot! Thank God for windows that roll down and breezes that last the majority of my trips. 

Dear Teachers I’ve Overheard Complaining This Week, I’m really having trouble being in an American public school, noticing all the supplies you teachers were given and then hear you complain so much every single day about the little things you do not have. While I understand it’s all a matter of perspective, it's still a little frustrating when I realize how little I have in my classroom in Dakar, as compared to what you have hear. You ladies don’t realize how blessed you truly are.

Dear Georgetown Assembly of God, I visited you Wednesday night. It was amazing the memories that came back just walking in the parking lot.

Dear Turkey Sandwiches made with Whole Wheat Bread and Yellow Mustard, I've taken you every day this past week for lunch and have loved each one. You are my favorite sandwich and I'm going to enjoy having my fill of you this summer! :)

Dear Short Skirts, After being in Dakar and being used to the “cover your knee rule” for so long, it’s hard to be back here in the US and see so many girls and women wearing such short skirts and dresses.

Dear Grad School Internship, Could you have some details start working out for a change, instead of changing daily? I really would appreciate it.

Dear Cokes ( in all soft drinks. Remember I'm from the South where all soft drinks are known as coke.), I have not had one of you since last Sunday. I have been drinking water or tea only. Go me! 

Dear Swamp People and Gator Boys (...the t.v. shows), I'm really liking getting to watch a lot of you. I think I'm channeling my inner gator wrangler. What do you think? New career, perhaps?

Dear GPS, I had a lovely note typed out to you ready to be saved in this week's blog post. I was going to talk about how wonderful you are and how much I loved having you last Sunday on my first of many long drives I'll be making this summer. BUT you decided to stop working just as I got on the road yesterday morning heading back to my parents' house, forcing me to have to call around and get a different set of directions and try to hurry and memorize them before I headed out. So, GPS, I'm no longer going to say something good about you. After all, my mom said if I couldn't say anything nice, I shouldn't say anything at all.

Dear Roasted Garlic Rye Chips, Oh my goodness! What a great snack you are. I may or may not have bought 2 bags to take back to Dakar with me. :)

Dear Daisy Olivia ( niece due in August), I'll be going to the first shower for you and your mommy tomorrow. I bought your gift yesterday and I must say, it's pretty cute and can't wait to see it being used by you. :)

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