Friday, June 29, 2012

The 19th Dear ______ Post

Dear Random Person's Internet, I'm using you right now. I had my computer plugged in, charging, when I noticed it connected to someone's internet. So as it turns out, I can connect to internet if my computer is in a certain place in the bedroom. Go figure. Anyways, I thought I'd post this week's "Dear _____" a day early due to this random internet connection. :)


Dear Being Single, Usually I'm ok with you. I mean, I'd love to be married. Don't get me wrong. But usually the whole being single thing doesn't really get me down. Lately though, I've become majorly aware of my singleness. Maybe it's because my birthday's coming up. Maybe it's because this is the summer for weddings - with so many people I know getting married. Maybe it's because I've had a dozen or so different people ask when I'm going to "settle down and get married." Maybe it's because of another reason. I don't know. Like I said, usually I'm ok with being single, but now-a-days (as we say in the South), I don't know...

Dear Speaking at Churches, I love you. I love being able to share my heart for my work in Senegal, about working at Dakar Academy and about the people of Senegal. I'm so grateful and feel so blessed to have this perk to my job. :)

Dear 27, You are the age I'll be turning in a little over a month. It's crazy to think I'll be that old. Where did the time go?

Dear SIOP Model Lesson Plans, Wow! You're intense. But once I mastered your intensity, I decided I might like you after all. Although if I'm being honest, I don't think I'd like having to use you in lesson plans all year long. :)

Dear Temps over 100, You were the temperature at school dismissal time a couple days this week. I thought I was in America. It feels more like Africa… Where’s the cooler weather?

Dear Hurricanes, I’m not a big fan of you. …never have been. I’d appreciate it if you’d keep your storminess away from this area. In fact, I’d really appreciate it if you just wouldn’t happen anywhere. I really think Mother Nature should do away with every kind of storm or natural disaster, all together.

Dear Clarity and Guidance, You’re what I’m praying for right now. I am waiting on an answer for God and I’m trying really hard to be patient, but am not being incredibly successful at it. I wish it was easier.

Dear Arabic, You are spoken by one of my students. I shocked him when I could speak a few words. …just a basic greeting and the word for “thank you.” It’s amazing what those few words could do. The child that was so very shy and would barely speak to me, now smiles and waves when he sees me coming down the hall.

Dear Carpeted Floors, I hadn’t realized how much I missed walking on your soft niceness. My feet say thank you. …especially in the morning when I’m freezing in the early morning 80 degree temps. :)

Dear Questions about Senegal, I’m receiving a lot of you every day from the teachers I’m working with this summer. It never gets old, though. I could answer them all day long.

Dear Grad School Advisor, We finally met in person on yesterday. Thank you for meeting with me, answering questions I had, and putting my mind at ease quite a bit. 

Dear Downhill, You're how my day went yesterday. It started out great. School was pretty awesome. Kids were great. I knew I'd be able to sleep late the following day ( school on Fridays). I had a good meeting with my grad school advisor. THEN I got a call from my mom telling me about a bad report my dad got from the doctor today. THEN something happened later that night that hurt too. I mean, what's the deal man? :)

Dear Diet Mountain Dew, I broke my no carbonated beverages rule to have you yesterday morning. You were so worth it too. 

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