Saturday, June 9, 2012

The 16th Dear _______ Post

Dear Packing, I finished you early Wednesday morning, with 15 hours to "spare" before I left the country. You were not fun. But now that you're over, I can say that I'm so thankful to have done you because you forced me to sort through my stuff, get rid of some things, and only pack what I absolutely positively wanted/needed. Yay for that blessing in disguise! :)

Dear Tearful Goodbyes, I got the "joy" of experiencing you last Wednesday - first saying goodbye to my roommate & apartment I've lived with the past 2 years and then the big one - to the family I've worked with/under the past 3 years. I've never liked goodbyes. But you, tearful goodbyes, are so much worse than a regular goodbye. Ugh! :(

Dear Person that Fed Me and Took Me to the Airport Wednesday Night, Thank you again for such a nice, delicious meal and for the airport ride. You made what was going to be a very difficult night for me knowing my strong dislike for saying goodbye, into a really nice night.

Dear Whole Row of Seats to Myself, Can I just say how incredibly over-the-top excited I was to have you all to myself on my flight from Dakar to Paris?! Oh my word! You were awesome! 5 hours of me stretching out, sleeping like a baby. I slept the ENTIRE time - even through the meal. Feel free to grace me with your presence again some time. I'd love to have you again! :)

Dear "Welcome home ma'am," You were the words spoken to me by the US Customs Agent in Atlanta on Thursday. I am so happy God has called me to work in Senegal. I love living there. I love my life in Senegal. But at the same time, I am so happy and proud to be an American. And part of the reason may have been me suffering from exhaustion, but Mr. Customs Agent, those 3 words you said to me on Thursday made me a little teary eyed. :)

Dear Caffeine Free Diet Mountain Dew, It's been too long. I've missed you old friend.

Dear Ice Water from Restaurants, I'm loving being able to order you again. It's so nice being able to order you and not have to worry if you've been filtered or not.

Dear Daisy Olivia, You, my future niece, are due to be born at the end of August. Your mommy and daddy and the rest of your family (including me) are so excited and ready for you to come! It was so much fun to stop by your house the other night and have your daddy and mommy show off the clothes and other fun things you've already received.

Dear Praxis Test, You were a doozy. That, combined with jet lag, makes me a little worried about what my results will look like. But now I just need to be confident in the fact that I did my best on you.

Dear Rain, You were a nice experience today. I've missed you so much!

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