Saturday, June 2, 2012

The 15th Dear _______ Post

Dear 2011-2012 First Graders, You were an absolutely amazing class! You were all almost always extremely well behaved. You were all very bright. You were all respectful, helpful, polite, and all those other nice characteristics. You challenged me as a teacher. You made me have to think outside the box and think of new ways to challenge you since you were always surprising me with what you already knew. You were sweet and loving, offering a zillion hugs a day or beautiful art work and letters to adorn my "Wall of Fame" in my classroom. You were always eager to learn, asking a zillion questions a day, especially your favorite one-worded question, "Why?" You were almost always excited to be at school. You made the 175 days I spent with you so enjoyable in so many ways. I feel honored and privileged that I got the chance to be your teacher.

Dear Teacher Work Days, It's so nice to finally have the chance to sort through all those papers, books, games, supplies, etc. that I've collected throughout this past year. And the best part is, I can wear comfy clothes and blast my music while I work. :)

Dear Elementary Staff Dinner, You were this past Tuesday night. It was so nice to go to a nice restaurant and be able to sit, relax, and enjoy the company of my Elementary Family. :)

Dear Green Dress, I bought you because you were 1) on sale and cheap and 2) oh so cute. I'm finally going to wear you tonight to my school's Junior Senior Banquet and I'm so excited. It's always nice to be able to dress up and feel all pretty-fied. ...and yes, I did just make up that word. :)

Dear Packing, I am almost finished with you. PRAISE JESUS for that because I definitely would not have made it without His help! That is for sure!

Dear Mom and Dad, I'll see you in 5 days! Woohoo! :) I've missed you both so much and can't wait 'til Thursday evening when I can be with you again.

Dear 9 Years, You're how long I've been out of high school. Where has the time gone?

Dear Twins, I found out today that there is a very strong possibility that I'll have not 1, but 2, sets of you in my class next year. What are the odds? :)

Dear Missionary Supervisors, You're leaving next week for 2 years - which feels a little bittersweet to me. I am so happy for you - for getting a chance to visit with family and friends back home and getting to itinerate, and share your heart for Senegal. But at the same time, selfishly, I'm sad for me. You, and your children, have been such an incredible blessing to me these past 3 years. I'm going to miss you guys so much.

Dear Goodbyes, I should be used to you by now. I went to 10 different schools before graduating high school. I got used to saying goodbye to friends and family. Did that make it any easier? No. Now, I'm having to say goodbye to friends again - some I'll see again, some I may not. And it's hard. hard. This is one part of my job I don't enjoy - the goodbyes. :(

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