Friday, March 15, 2013

Thankful Thursday...posted on Friday

I have a major exam next week. This exam is a comprehensive final of 3 1/2 years worth of material. I was given 6 pages of questions to study, with the knowledge that they'd give me 5 to answer for the test. Test taking has never been my strong suit. Memorization is extremely difficult for me. So I'm just reading all the information from my study guide, writing and rewriting my notes, and praying that somehow I remember all I need to. 

Now throw in my job. I'm still teaching. And this is a busy time of the year at school. There's projects to finish, assignments to grade, report cards to finish, and Parent Teacher Conferences to have.

Now throw in the other part of my job. I, and my fellow AGWM co-workers in West Africa are all traveling to another country for our mission's retreat. We leave the day after I take my test. And I still haven't bought fabric for a fun competition/activity we're doing (and I may not be able to go buy any...which will be sad, but will be OKAY. I'll live.) AND I also need to start packing at some point. Of course, we all know I'll be waiting 'til the last minute for the packing, because that's just how I roll. Ha! :)

Anyways - With all that said, I was starting to stress... BIG TIME. And so, if I'm being honest, while I'm definitely thankful for a LOT of things... The first thing I thought of when I sat down to write this post was Matthew 11:28 - "Come to Me all who are weary and I will give you rest." I've been so tired/weary lately. I felt as if more and more things are being added to my To Do List (some of my own doing and some not). I felt as if I couldn't do it all. BUT I was forgetting one key thing. God never said I had (have) to do it on my own. No... He said "come to me..." He said "...I'll give you rest."

So that's what I'm doing. I felt as if He were talking to me. I AM weary. I need to come to Him. He will give me rest. He will help me. I've prioritized things that have to be done. I've made a pact with God to be okay with things that don't necessarily have to be done. I've promised Him that I'll take care of myself and not worry if things aren't exactly perfect or how I'd envisioned them. And I will let Him have total control of my life (and my students, and my test, and my trip, and every other little or big thing on my To Do List).  

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