Sunday, March 3, 2013

The 52nd Dear _____ Post

Dear Dr. Seuss, Had you lived, you would have been 109 years old yesterday. Thank you so much for the books you wrote. Thank you for loving learning enough to make it fun for children. My class is loving our class's Dr. Seuss Week (and a half) so far and are excited to see what's in store for next week.

Dear Little Voice in my Head, The next time I'm going to do a painting activity with my class and you tell me to bring plastic garbage bags to use as smocks to protect their clothes, I promise I will listen to you. I'm so glad we were using washable paint.

Dear 4 Day Weekend, You what I had this weekend and you were awesome! Thanks for the mini escape from reality :)

Dear Sunflower, I saw you on my walk to school one morning this week. It's like you just grew out of nowhere. One day there was nothing and then the next day... Boom! You were there. You definitely have made my walks to and from school much brighter this week. God knows that sunflowers are my favorite flowers, so I'm telling myself that he grew this one just for me. :) Now if I could just remember to actually take a picture of it...

Dear Reading for Fun, I don't get to enjoy you very often. Usually if I'm reading a book, it's either for my job or it's for my grad school or Berean classes. I just don't have the time to devote to reading a book just for the fun of it. But that wasn't the case this weekend. Thanks to a 4 day weekend and being away from technology, I did quite a bit of (fun) reading and I enjoyed every minute of it. I also now realize that I sound like such a nerd.

Dear Video, I've been making you to show to churches this summer. You're full of pictures of this place I love, this place that God has called me to, this place where I dream of being forever. And it makes my heart happy to look through these pictures. Thanks for being such a fun project for me to work on. I can't wait to share you with people back in the States. You'll be just a small glimpse of some of the people (and the place) that have stolen my heart.

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