Thursday, July 10, 2014

29 in my 29th

Wednesday is my 29th birthday. So, in honor of my upcoming big day, I'm posting my 29 in my 29th list. This is a list of 29 goals I hope to accomplish in my 29th year. And FYI - This list is a bit sporadic. It's not sorted by level of importance or anything like that. So without further ado...

My 29 in My 29th List...

1. Read and journal through the entire Bible. 
2. Gain new supporters (financial, prayer, etc.).
3. Go further in missions.
4. Spend as much time as possible with my family.
5. Spend time with friends.
6. Explore Alabama more.
7. Explore the U.S. more.
8. Make a t-shirt quilt.
9. Find an exercise routine I actually enjoy (and stick with it).
10. Start back running (jogging).
10. Get in better shape.
11. Lose (a lot of) weight.
12. Limit cokes (all soft drinks).
13. Drink more water.
14. Read books for "professional development" in missions.
15. Read books for "professional development" in teaching.
16. Read for fun.
17. Take more photos.
18. Finish my list of one thousand gifts.
19. Start my second list of one thousand gifts.
20. Find a good French tutor/teacher for my time in the States. 
21. Finish my year of photos and make a photo book out of them.
22. Start my 2015 year of photos.
23. Go on a trip next summer with a friend to celebrate our upcoming 30th birthdays.
24. Treat myself every now and then. I often spend so much time helping others, that I forget myself.
25. Try more new recipes.
26. Finally learn to make homemade bread.
27. Finally learn to make homemade pie crusts.
28. Blog more.
29. Be myself. 

Can I add one more that I don't really have much (any?) control over? I'd love to find a husband in my 29th year. Here's hoping this happens too :)

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